The situation

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Dipper's POV

As I fly around the garden exploring and looking for new things to write down in my journal I suddenly land on a cliff and see in  the distance little blobs I grabbed my backpack and set

it on the ground then took a pair of binoculars out. As I look closely I can make out hundreds of angels...? And hundreds of demons...! My Binoculars fall out of my hand and fell onto the hard Rocky floor I picked them up and move my body back in shock what the heck did I just see!? I have never seen a demon in person nor have I seen that many angels.. I grabbed my binoculars and slide back to the edge of the cliff and zoom in demons of all shapes and colors with long tails and horns and different objects but a few like 50 were shapes? I didn't get it but then one of the Angels in front raise their hand and one of the demons on the other side then the angel yelled something I couldn't hear before I could even process it the Angels had Spears and shields another items like bows and arrows and some have daggers as I look to my left I see the demons do the same except triangles and squares and other shapes didn't except pull their hands out and certain color would come out of their hand glowing..? Sort of like.. Magic!..
this wasn't good.. I've heard stories about demons of magic invading Angel Falls..and other places in heaven..
they can be very brutal wiping out half the population and one area in hours and trust me it's kind of hard to kill angels they have certain weak spots but the rest of the body is tough to break.. but for me... That's a whole different story!..
I wasn't enchanted by a guardian so my body isn't as strong as most of the Angels..

So it'll be easy for a demon or anybody else to drive a dagger into my body and it would feel like absolute s***

As I stepped out of my days I see both races collide with each other fighting either with their swords or crossbows or other things all the demons cornered the angels putting swords to their necks and slicing... Are the Angels fought back by grabbing a dagger or anything and jabbing them into their spines or stomachs or kicking them in the balls from the corner of my eye I see... MAMA?? I see my mother in the crowd of people fighting full of armor and a silver sword in her hand and shield fighting a male demon he was tall and had black hair and red horns pretty good-looking-

AHHHH NOPE! As I look closer I see my mother slash at the demon he took and leaped back but it was too late my mother hit his cheek a line appeared on his face a black flowed from the wound he winced in pain and then pulled his shield up to cover his face then my mother's expression changed... She put her sword to her side and put it back in place she took her shield up and spread her wings she made a small canopy around the guy and herself but there was a gap which I could see and what the Heaven is she doing!?

As she took a step forward her wings still wrapped around them luckily they were enchanted nothing can get past them unless at her will then she ripped a piece of cloth from her armor then she said something I think the demon but his shield to his side and looked at her with fear my mother stared at his soft eyes and said something else he looked at her shock and then she took step closer wrapping the cloth around her hand and placing it on the demons cheek the demons tell suede from under one of her wings the paste rapidly increasing.. OH NO-

I also read about this.. I'm not going to explain it but it's about the emotions they're feeling and uh hmm.. eh mother get out of there! I wanted to intervene with what was going on but I couldn't I was just sitting here on a cliff... Mom... As the demon put his hand on top of my mother's hand on his cheek she blushed a little- WAIT WHAT-

Mom your crazyyyy- then she placed the ripped cloth in the demon's hand then opened her wings the demon place his hand on her cheek and said something then she said something back and then they parted ways.. then my mother was knocked down by a demon!..

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