stuck in a cage

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Dipper's POV

As my eyes slowly open up I yawn and try to turn my body but something prevented me for turning.
After my eyes adjusted, Saw a chest with smooth tan skin in front of me
*Wait what the.." then the memories of last night played in my head my eyes widened at the realization that that the person in front of me was none other then Bill
All the memories.. came at me once I realized THIS MAN FUCKEN RAPED ME! For no reason!
I felt.. scared?..
I don't know, all I know is that I want to get out of here..
but I can't.. I'm a-.. slave.. I'm vulnerable.. all the strength inside me slipped way like a candle blown out..
I tried to have some faith in myself..
Someday I'll be free ether from escaping or by killing bill..
I don't care!.. I'll try to get back to my fam- wait.. I don't.. they left.. me..
Then I'll go back to the family I have in this universe!.. I don't care who I'll go to as long as I'm far way from bill!.
At that moment I heard a grown from bill
"Ugh.. what happened?.."

"Uh b-bill..."

"Pine tree? Uh... What are we doing in one of the guest rooms?"

"Y-you I- you.."
'I couldn't even talk to him.. not at this moment'

"..."what do you mean you can't talk to me I'm just asking a question..?"

"O-oh right... you can read mind.. I'm sorry I dont- want to recall what happened to me.. or you.."

"p-pine tree did I hurt you?.."

"Yes.. you did."

"Oh my dear.. I'm so sorry.. what did I do to you my dove?.."

"Y-you." Tears swelled up in my eyes I felt weak..

"You.. fucked me..without my consent"

"I- I Dipper.. I'm so sorry my dove I don't recall anything that happened all I know is that.. I woke up with you in this bed.. dose anything hurt?.."

"I don't know besides having bite marks all over my body and bruises and I guess the most pain I have right now is my butt-.."

"Here can you try to stand up?"
He offered me a hand I hesitantly grabbed it he helped me to the side of the bed and helped me up at that second my **** cheeks hurt and I had to crouch and winced at the pain

"Pine tree are you okay?!"

"Yeah.. N-no.!"

"Satan what did I do to you?!"

"... Idk rape me?"

"Oh yeah.. I'm no- I mean in sincerely sorry"

Bills POV:I'm really not it's not like I forgot what I did~.."

Im slightly able to walk so I held on to the side of the bed and thought for a minute
'Hmm.. how do people forget things so easily? It's kinda dumb"

"Yeah it is" Bill said out of nowhere

I jumped and fell onto the floor

"..."well that's new-"

'Good sir please kindly f### off I don't feel comfortable chatting with you. Welp I feel dead right about now, how about I just get idk f- WAIT WAIT WAIT NO! I JUST LOST MY VER*** TO THIS DEMON I DON'T LIKE THIS
I don't want to live like this I just can't...'

"So uh.. would you like to eat anything?"

" I'm okay"

"Alright if that's what you want"
the demon sat down and raped two arms around me and plopped me down in his lap! TF

" ! Um bill I- please.. what are you doing?"

"Oh sorry pine tree dose it hurt you?"

"N-no it's just that.. I'm a little uncomfortable sitting here after I- I mean we.."

"Oh dear I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
But I am aloud to do a lot of things now that I'm your master I practically-" I cut him off
"Yes.. you may be my 'master' but I still have rights! YOU RAPED ME! FOR GODS SAKE WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD RAPE THEIR PET!?"

"... Well angel I-.." I looked him dead in the eye and gave him one of those looks that say SHUT UP

"What proof do you have that you have authority over me? Do you have scroll work? Anything!?"
(Scroll work stands for paperwork btw ;])

"..."your probably cranky because of what happened last night. . I'll take you back to your cage- I mean room"

"I'm not tired.. I'm Angry and I feel like you should consider setting me free!"
I slightly yelled at him but kept my tone.

"I'm sorry pine tree but I can't consider.. not now"
And with that the back of my waist and pulled me over his shoulders and hung their

"H-hey!" LET ME GO!"I was cut off

"Shh everything's going to be okay.."

' it's not I was kidnapped then was raped lost my virginity and now..I'm stuck with this demon..'

As he walks out of the room I feel the urge to break out again but the same time I can't.. I don't wanna go threw that again.. or even look at him.

Switching POVs for the first time

Bills POV

as I walk down the hallways grinding as I have pine tree slumped over my shoulder I finally make it back to his room and open the door.
Then I answer the room and shut the door behind me does it take a few steps forward I look into pine trees thoughts

'well damn.. I guess he hasn't forgiven me what a shame'
I finally reached the cage and bent down and unlock the door then I walk inside the bird like cage placed Pine tree back onto the ground.

Not to my surprise he looks away from me and huffs crossing his arms and turns the other direction.

"Well then.. that's alright"
my grin widened as I thought of ways to 'tend' to dipper.
I leave the room and lock the door.
then I walk down the hall way ready to host a party of a lifetime.

Back to dipper's POV

As I lay their I think of all the awful things he's done to me I didn't realize hot liquid starts with my eyes a lump formed afterwards I cried.. I balled my eyes out as I lay my body flat onto the small bed with a extra soft blanket I curled up into a ball and wrapped my wings around my body and drifted off into a slumber.

Welp this is it I'll try to update more often! Thank you for- 384- WAIT HOLY SHIT!!!! THANK YOU GUYS FOR 412 VIEWS! OMG- thank youuuuuuu MWA MWA MWAAA ❤️ good bye my lovely viewers:] bye

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