Black Coffee And Hot Chocolate

Start from the beginning

"Good morning to you too" Taehyun responds with a sour, yet amused face, one that did not go unnoticed by Kai.

"Ah, you love it" Kai pokes Taehyun's singular dimple, one that only pops up when the elder tenses his jaw.

"The nurse said my fasting's over.." Taehyun hints.

"Oh yeah?" Kai laughs. "What do you to eat?"

Taehyun sighs.

"Black coffee." He says without blinking.

Kai looks around, sitting up only half way before falling back into the bed, a cautious and alarmed look in his eyes.

He leans forward towards Taehyun who is squinting his eyes over the weird behavior.

"They haven't told you, have they?..." Kai whispers as if ready to spill a big secret.


"It's only a rumor,

I don't believe it much either. But some say..." Kai looks around again, sighing deeply before continuing

"-that black coffee is actually a drink."

Taehyun hits Kai's chest, the younger laughing in a chaotic manner.

"Do you have to be so annoying?"

Kai nods, hopping happily off the bed, full with energy after getting on Taehyun's nerves.

"Hmm.. that's my charm, get used to it. Big shot"


He should've thought about it more thoroughly before suggesting to buy some drinks for him and Taehyun.

Now... he's balancing 2 burning hot cups of black coffee and chocolate milk on the same hand, not wanting to risk damaging his cast on the second one. Along with the fact that it might hurt.. just a little.

He walks carefully, keeping on eye on the drinks, watching to make sure they're not spilling of the brim, another eye on the way in front of him.

He walks past the reception. Waving with his eyes at the familiar staff.

"Oh!" One of the more older patients sitting in the bench next to the vending machines exclaims, her face brightening the minute she recognizes the young man. "Kai-ah!" She runs slowly, struggling in her old age, but Kai waits, smiling and even offering to set the drinks aside to help her walk.

She waves as if to decline his offer.

"Aigo.. oh no..." she checks the cast on his hand. "What happened to your hand?" She asks, voice emotional as if she's about to cry.

"No.." Kai rushes to calm her down. The elder patient has always been his favorite when he volunteered in his late high school years.

The old lady had always loved having long talks with Kai, always catching him in the halls and pulling him for an hour long rant about her life when she was his age.

"Don't worry ma'am.." Kai smiles, showing that he's completely fine.

"Ah.. it's been ages...." she talks slowly. "You've grown into a fine young man..."

Kai bows, smiling at the compliment.

"Thank you ma'am.." he thanks her. If he wasn't in such a rush to get to Taehyun's room and set the drinks that ate currently burning his hand. He might've took longer to properly greet her.

"I'm sorry.." he smiles apologetically. "I really have to go, it was so nice to see you again Ms. Han."

He turns around, ready to walk again when he bumps into a firm body, the cups fall from his grip and the steaming drinks fly in the air.

He falls from the collision, and the fact that the other person was also walking in full speed did not help lowering the impact of the hit.

His back hits the floor, and soon enough he's covered with the hot drinks, mostly landing on his clothes, the rest on the floor beside him.

"Oh no!" Ms. Han yells dramatically. Backing away from the scene. "Nurses!" She screams, ignoring Kai's protesting words. The people in the reception look just as shocked, rushing to help Kai get up.

"I'm okay.." Kai groans, sitting up to see the people who he ran into. Them already turning their backs without saying a word and walking off to where they were headed.

"Thank you.." he takes the male nurse hand. Getting up carefully while being mindful of his cast.

"Your clothes.." the male nurse says, Kai recognizes him too. The man was only in his internship while Kai was in high school. Now he seems like he had found in place in the hospital.

"Come on, I'll get you a new set. I have some clothes in my locker."


"Sorry it took me so long.." Kai talks as soon as he enters, coming empty handed and with a new set of clothes.

He doesn't even scan the room before barging in and complaining about the rude people who walks off without have the basic human courtesy to apologize.

"Kai..." he hears Taehyun's voice, which sounds different. Tense and stern. "Meet my parents"

Kai looks up, he was too busy both closing the door and putting the new jacket on to notice the two new figures standing next to Taehyun's bed.

His eyes widen.

It's that couple.

The Same cold couple who walked off into the hallway without sparing him a glance.

He tries to force a smile. Bowing stiffly.

"Right.. N-nice to meet you"

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