(E) i like being close to people

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I like being close to people. The presence of another human being can give me comfort and a feeling of trust. It feels like everything will be oké, like nothing can happen and like I matter to someone. It makes me realize that I am not as alone like I thought I was and that nice people still exist. The bad people have so much power and get so much attention that is feels that all humans are like that.

I like being close to people. Humans fascinate me, not in a wierd way! They can be so mean and unkind for so little reason and yet they can be so loving and giving. Everyone is different in there way of thinking, speaking, walking, and being. I like to meet new people with new opinions, personalitys, likes, dislikes and morals. What's really cool is that I notice similarities, we're so different yet so alike.

I like being close to people. People often think I like people in a way I don't, I like being close yes but I don't have feelings for them. Being close to someone often leads people into thinking we have something, something called love. Being a teen it's really present in my live: "do you have a crush?" "You like him/her/them right?!" "Don't you have a boyfriend already?" Never have I ever thought just being close to someone ment you must have feelings for them. It's utterly ridiculous.

I like being close to people. It isn't always as sweet and beautiful as it seems, bad people still exist. This is my biggest weakness and I often hide it. People like to take advantage of it, trick me into trusting them and making me believe they are safe, often resulting in it not being true. Things happend that I don't what to repeat. I don't really know when to trust people and I still fall in their traps.

I like being close to people. Although it may not be nice everytime there are still good people. At the end of the day you don't know what type of people you meet but at least one of them deserves you. I don't know much but what I do know is that:
I like to be close to people.

my random writing bookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon