Two Hero's Movie

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Beta 312 was livid for many reasons all of them valid but this case was different as apparently ONI had decided from next to nowhere that he was going to be assigned to a new team not a partner but a whole bloody team this was somthing Beta 312 HATED

granted he could at times tolerate a partner during missions but he would always work solo as he would more then easily accomplish his missions that way instead of having to worry about his partner so having a team would only slow him down even more but Beta 312 would contain his annoyance as depending on how this goes he may get lucky enough for him to be removed from this team

and he can continue his solo missions for ONI as he looks at his helmet before sliding it back on as it seals shut as the warthog continues down the dirt road going over bumps and uneven terrain with ease as 312 would think of the team he was assigned to Noble Team if it was anything to go by from he was able to gather their would be a Spartan II their

which means hopefully the team is more competent then the other teams he has been assigned to in the past as the warthog would finally come to a stop at a small UNSC camp where his new team was supposed to be as he would pass by a Falcon having taken note of a Spartan nearby loading a 4 round sniper cartridge of 14.5x114mm as the man was bald with 3 arrows pointing upward on the left side of his head

as 312 continues to walk as the Spartan also noticed him and slows down in his reloading as Beta 312 would walk into the tent where their are 4 other Spartans 3 of them without their helmets with the leader being Carter as 312 was able to reconise him thanks to ONI as their was a large Spartan on the right side of Carter who judging by his age could be in his 40s

and the oldest Spartan in this team as he would look to his left and notice the other Spartan who has modified their helmet with a scratch carving of a skull on the visor as they were sharpening an exotic blade a Kukri as the Spartan had his helmet on would take notice but before words could be exchanged a robotic arm would stop 312 as he took note of the final Spartan female in gender and just like the other Spartans that had their helmet off had a scar as she would look at Carter


As that would get the attention of Carter and the big Spartan as they both looked at him

Jorge-'So that is our new number Six'


Six would awaken as he was currently in his Mjolnir armour as he was currently on a jet with the Yaoyorozu's as they were on their way to I-Island for the I-Expo as Six would look over to Momo who had woken him up from his dream as that dream was a rare 1 and 1 he would always cherish the day he met Noble Team as Six would look to Momo who was in more formal civilian attire

Momo-'Just letting you know that we are about to land at I-Island you can see it out of your window'

Six would turn his head and look outside of the window he was seated at as he would spot the island now he has been in service of both ONI and UNSC for years and their for has been on battle ships that had the ability to do a slip space jump across the galaxy and all the tech they had hell he is a result of such tech

but to see an entire man made island that is capable of travelling just about anywhere by a civilisation that hasn't done anything space faring like now that was impressive as it still baffled Six as to why this civilisation had the means to go to space and start colony's and if they work hard enough and with their quirks could nake a slip space drive and more

but no they stay like this all for a stupid concept of heroes vs villains it was ridiculous but regardless the view was nice of such a structure as the plane would come to a landing as both Spartan and Yaoyorozu family disembark from the plane as they would go though security which involves them being on this treadmill like device

My Heroes Noble SixWhere stories live. Discover now