Forever and always

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We're going to try something new! A different POV?:???? YES ;) I thought it would be a little weird to have Amity propose from Hunter's or Willow's  POV so Amity is going to get her own.


My heart was pounding in my chest as Hunter left my side to set up the occasion. I grab a champagne flute and a knife from Willow's kitchen. I grab Luz and say I want to talk to her. Hunter gives me the thumbs up and I knock my knife against the glass. "May I have everyone's attention please?" I say with a lump in my throat. As everyone quiets down I take a deep breath and put my brave face on. "Luz, I have known you for eight whole wonderful years. You have shown me the ups, the downs and the side to sides of life. Guiding me patiently through every bump in the road. You have been a shoulder to cry on, a face to kiss and a person to love. People say relationships aren't forever, but I don't think that's true. I want to be there for you, just as you have for me. Forever and always. I guess what I'm trying to say is-" Luz interrupts, "Amity Will You Marry Me?" she says quickly. "Aww, I was so close." I say defeatedly. "no, no, you can go" Luz says smiling sweetly and gesturing me to go on. "Luz Noceda, Will You Marry Me?" I say, tomato mode activated. "YES!" she says. I then place the ring on her finger and pull her in for a kiss, smiling into it. 


The room erupts in clapping. Everyone is so happy for Amity and Luz, Hunter looks especially happy as he's crying. I walk up, "What's up?" I say giving him a slightly concerned look. He looks at me, wiping his eyes. "huh- Nothing, I'm just really happy for them". I look up at him smiling. He looks down at me, our eyes lock. My face starts to heat up, but he leans in a little closer. "Are you blushing, Captain?" he whispers slowly in my ear. My heart skips a beat as he backs away from me, heading into the kitchen. The night goes on and Thoughts of what Hunter did spiral around my brain. It's like I stop functioning every time I see him. The party starts to slow and people begin filtering out. Luz runs up to me excitedly, "Oh my god girl congrats!" she said rather loudly. "What do you mean! I should be the one congratulating you!" I say grabbing her hand to look at the ring. She looks at me confused, "yes but, I saw Hunter talking to you. It looked like you two kissed!" I blush and cover her mouth defensively. "we didn't kiss, but he-" I whisper. "Who what?" Amity says from behind us. "Nothing~" Luz says in a sing-songy voice. Amity just nods suspiciously and wraps her arms around Luz. "Ready to go?" she says, "Yup!" Luz replies. "Goodnight you two! Be safe! Use protection!" Amity turns beet red and Luz just laughs. "What's wrong with them?" Hunter chuckled. I shrugged and laughed, Falling back into his embrace. Eventually, everyone left and me and Hunter began the long and tedious clean up. About an hour into cleaning, I look outside and see the prettiest sky ever. I grab Hunters hand and a couple blankets and bring him up to the roof. "Why are we here?" he says, sitting down on the blankets. "look up" I say sitting down with him.


I look up to the sky, the stars are shining almost as bright as the ones back home. Willow looks at me with those compelling magnetized eyes, Innocent as ever. I realized that I had stared for too long and look away quickly, a heavy blush grazing my cheeks. She brings her hand up to my chin, bringing my eyes back to hers. " What's wrong?" she asks, "N-nothing I was just thinking". She smiles warmly at me before wrapping me in a bear hug. "I'll always be here for you Hunter, no matter what. You can tell me anything." I start tearing up, hugging her tighter. All my emotions are pouring out of me. She looks at me " I- I, ever since I found out Belos wanted to..." , " It's ok, I know" she responds caringly. " Willow, I- I thought he cared, I actually loved him." Any composure I still had was gone and I started sobbing. Willow simply comforted me. " I know it's hard but he's long gone. He can't harm you, at least not while I'm here." She says winking at me, causing me to blush again. "Willow, I don't know what I would do without you. You're just so amazing I can't imagine my life without you in it." I say smiling at her. She always knows how to make me feel better. And though I wouldn't dare admit it, I love her. I love her smile and her dorky laugh, I love her mesmerizing green eyes, I love the way she talks and I love her soft green hair. I love her. She looks at me with a soft expression, and plants a small kiss on my forehead before snuggling up to me. I feel my face heat up as I start internally freaking out. "Goodnight Hunter" she says before falling asleep right next to me. I sit there for a while, looking at the stars, staring at the brightest one as it reminds me of Willow. I look down and see her face, she looks so peaceful and beautiful. I can't stop looking at her gorgeous face as she lay there, so delicate in my arms. I leaned down to her, " oh Willow, if only you knew the things I would do for you." I say before kissing her cheek and falling asleep myself. I could finally die a happy man.

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