Blame, Judge, Die

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I love you time and time again, no matter the wrongs you never right.

Yet you do not hold the same love for me

Cupid is a sly one see

He didn't get the job done when he assigned you to me.

My heart will break and bruise by your own hand yet I can mend it with the sweet, sweet, lovely lies I tell myself about you

Why am I nothing when I judged you not for the sword hanging from your finger tips or the blood staining your coat

But I blame it on myself, I really do

I blame it on myself for falling into your eyes. Your deep, deep, eyes. As complex and deep as the ocean.

One wave cought my ankle and I was gone for good.

I am stuck in this sea

Your sea

You drown me and stop my heart, but I'm okay with it.

If I were to die in anyone's eyes it would be yours

I wouldn't rest in piece buy I'd be in a place I know

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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