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"That was very brave of you" Scott complimented, referring to her volunteering. She nodded slightly to the man in thanks. 

"I believe we have a volunteer, Mr. Mayor" Effie spoke into the microphone as Katniss rushed over to Prim to pull her into a hug.

"Prim, you need to get out of here. You need to get out of here" Katniss said and Prim shook her head "No!"

The pack watched the scene sadly.

"Go find Mom" Katniss ordered "No!" Prims voice cracked "Prim, go find Mom right now. I'm so sorry"

Gale pushed his way through the crowd and over to the two girls, he picked up Prim causing to her scream 'No!" over and over again.

Camden frowned in sadness, he knew how it felt, having Katniss ripped away from you.

"A dramatic turn of events here in District twelve" Effie said as Katniss walked up to the stage with four peacekeepers "Districts twelves very first volunteer. Bring her up"

"Seventy-three games before this and no one has ever volunteered?" Stiles raised his eyebrows in shock 

"I would volunteer in a heartbeat for someone I cared about, how could someone not?" Paige shook her head

Peeta looked down, he had people that cared about him. Two older brothers, yet neither even tried to volunteer for him.

Katniss made her way up the stairs which lead to the stage very slowly causing Effie to make a come here motion with her hand "Come on, dear" 

When Katniss got to the top Effie grabbed her by the shoulders and guided her to stand next to the microphone which was positioned at the front of the stage in the middle.

"Whats your name?" Effie asked 

"Katniss Everdeen"

"Well, I bet my hat that was your sister, wasn't it?" Effie said and pointed the microphone towards Katniss who replied in a sad tone "Yes" 

"Lets have a big hand for our very first volunteer, Katniss Everdeen" Effie started clapping her hands but no one else reciprocated, instead they placed three fingers to their mouths before holding them in the air while Katniss stared sadly at the ground.

Katniss frowned, that salute reminded her of Rue.

"And now for the boys!" Effie walked over the other bowl and stuck her hand in, she chose way more faster this time around.

"Peeta Mellark" She announced, The scene showed Peeta who had furrowed eyebrows and his mouth slightly dropped open and then Katniss who seemed to recognise the name.

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