1 month

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Teirra pov:
Only one month. One more month of having to worry about homework,drama, and him.. That's literally the only reason why I'm even thinking about getting up at 5:40 in the morning. As I turn off my alarm and contemplate on if I have enough time to sleep some more (which I don't sadly) I finally get myself off the bed and start choosing my outfit for the day. It's supposed to be hotter out since it's almost June so I decided on wearing black ripped jeans shorts, and my white crop top that has blue butterflies on it. After I grabbed my clothes I head to the bathroom to take a shower and all that fun stuff.
Time skip:
After I took that amazing shower and got dressed I went to the kitchen to see if anyone was up,And of course my lovey mom was"good morning mama"I love my mom so much she's my favorite person "good morning babes you look stunning I made you some breakfast"mom said I told her thank you and took my plate to the table I saw that she made us waffles and bacon.. my favorites,as I was about to grab a piece of bacon a big hand came outta no where and snatched it "JAYDEN" I yelled at my annoying older brother "whoops" he said as he shoved it in his mouth "I'm gonna kill you" "how you gonna kill what u can't reach midget " He said back.. I mean he does kinda have a point he's 6'8 and I'm 5'4 but still "IM NOT EVEN SHORT YOU-" I got cut off by my mom "ok it's to early for this go get in the car before I flick you both" her flicks hurt like a lot so I ran from the table grabbed my bag and headed to the car. When we finally left I checked the time seeing that it was now 7:15 I texted my best friend/sister Nichole to let her know we are coming to get her. Me and Nichole have known each other since we were little so we call ourselves sisters, As we pulled up to her driveway I saw her walk out wearing almost the same outfit as always and hoodie sweat pants and her backwards hat "good morninggggg" I said to her "why are you so energetic it's to early.. but good morning"yeah she wasn't much of a morning person. We got to school about 15 minutes later as we got out of the car me and Nichole went to our friend group while my brother went to his girlfriend or whatever they are they're always on and off so I kinda stopped keeping track. "OH MY GOODNESS TEIRRA I GOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" oh yep there's my other best friend Athena "ok yeah no I'm leaving to much yelling this early" Nicole said as she left with our other friends "Ooo tell mee" I said as we started to walk the other way our class we both had Living environment first so we walked together obviously. She was about to start talking when I accidentally walked into something causing me to fall over..or someone I guess.
I looked up and saw Anthony.. Anthony Palmer my worst freaking enemy. Ever since the beginning of the school year we have hated each other all because I wouldn't let him bully me.
(Flash back to beginning of year)
I was a little nervous for the first day of school of my sophomore year, I barely had any classes with my friends who I'm super close to, I could already tell this year was gonna be the year where everything and everyone changes.. as I walked into my first class being living environment I sat down near the back next to a window, I looked around the class realizing that it was mostly juniors
I didn't really care at the end of the day I'm focusing on getting a good day and maybe making some friends. Class had started about 10 minutes ago we were writing notes when all of a sudden the door slammed open and two boys walked in "How nice of you to join us Anthony and Thomas" Mr.brown my history teacher said "don't be late to my class ever again unless you want a detention" he said in a scary tone " yeah, whatever we don't care" the Thomas kid I think said.. after that I kinda stopped listening and started doing my notes until I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around and saw the Anthony boy, "yes can I help you" I said with a smile trying to be nice, "move we are going to sit here" he said back, "why do I have to move? There are other seats that you guys can sit at" I said trying to still be nice, " because I told you to move so your gonna listen to me and move or else" the absolute nerve this guy had and it's the first day of school like cmonn, " yeah no I'm not moving sorry you can find somewhere else to sit" I told him and turned back around putting in head phones and doing my work.. from that day he was hated me and never leaves me alone.
(Flash back ends,present time)
"Watch where your going shorty" Anthony said "oh shut up please she didn't mean to" Athena said as she helped me up I thanked her and turned to him,"my bad"I said me and Athena tuned to start walking to class "where do you think your going Teirra" Anthony yelled at me down the hall " your moms bedroom.. I'm going to class you idiot" I yelled back at him as I was still walking to class.
Anthony pov:
I can't with that girl at all I've hated her since the beginning of the year I don't care about how nice she is, how smart she is ,or how brave she is, I even don't care how beautiful she is, all I ever hear is these other disgusting guys talking about how they want her or how they wish she was their girlfriends. Like she's too good for you all not that I care because I don't. At. All.
(Okkk first chapter doneee how'd I do so far?)

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