The Summoning!

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It was a normal day in the classroom of 1A. Izuku was trying to flirt with Ochako and chickening out.
The rest of the dekusquad was discussing the possibility of all might actually being Izuku's father.
The bakusquad was arguing with bakugo over the fact that he actualy cared about them.
The rest of the class was gathered in spuratic conversations waiting for the last few minutes of class to pass by befor they are able to go back to the dorms.
As the class waits for that final bell to ring the classroom itself is filled with a bright light causing everybody to close their eyes in reaction.
When they open their eyes again they find themselves in a large theater with a screen at the end and and all of the teachers and the principle are with them.

Izuku pov:
I open my eyes and look around and the first thing I notice is that ochako is looking scared so I automaticaly step protectivly in front of her while everyone else gets in fighting positions before aizawa sensei even says a word, but gives off a proud smile that he slightly hides behind his scarf.

My pov.
I watch their reactions from high up near the ceiling of the room, a light smile crossing my face as my old friend and student looks up at me with a small look of shock.
"Sensei!" He says with a chuckle as the whole room freezes in shock, everyone turning to the person who spoke finding Nedzu sipping tea with a smile on his face. "Its been almost 100 years since we last talked." He yells up at me as the rest of the rooms ocupants look up in my direction.
"Ha! Of course my student would be able to notice my presence. I was originally going to wait for everyone to slightly calmed down before introducing myself but seeing as I have no need to wait now I shall make introductions." I say floating down till I'm 3 meaters off the floor, the whole room scilent as I watch each of their faces.
"My name is 1C3Drag0n, but you can call me 1C3D for short. I welcome you all, people from universe MHA00042, or the 42nd universe from the origin point." I say with my hands spread out epicly.
"I have called you all here, along with my student, to show you the major truths of your universe, and the alternatives of how things could have gone, if it were not for but a single person's role in ur world." I say, as they look on, unable to see me, shadows covering my body, only leaving my eyes and mouth visible to them. They stare in scilence before I hear a loud pomiranian yapping at me.
"I call bullsh*t! There's no way that you can do something like that! You Piece of Trash Extra." Bakugo yells at me, causing Nedzu to pale in fear.
I snap my fingers causing the mouthy blond to vanish, then snapping them again to bring him back. He reappears shaking like a leaf in fear as he falls onto his knees with his clothes in shreads, wounds and blood covering his body, almost half of it his own.
"I was being nice and inviting you here along with my student. I expect you to treat me with the respect I deserve as the god of this multiversal section!" I say my body glowing with power and command, the shadows covering my form receading slowly.

3rd Pov:
They look up in awe and fear of this draconic being of pure strength and power watching as the eyes and mouth they had forst seen transforms into the beaings full body as the shadows that had wrapped and hidden his body flow off of him to reveal his full body.

3rd Pov:They look up in awe and fear of this draconic being of pure strength and power watching as the eyes and mouth they had forst seen transforms into the beaings full body as the shadows that had wrapped and hidden his body flow off of him to ...

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(This is the main form of my character, is a pic i found and edited over 12 years ago for a dm oc god for dnd, transitiond it over for this, credit to original pic i had edited.)

"Sensei please dont hurt my Students too bad we still need to go back and allow them to become heroes." Nedzu tells him as the rest of the room becomes able to see his full body. "Only cause your my favorite student my little god in training." He says causing everyone to freeze in shock and shake in fear as the dragon shrinks and takes a more humanoid form.
(Imagine above pic as a human with only scales and wings left. Lost my original pic I had made of this)

My pov:
"Now that that's over with. I beleive its time to mention the person whos sole presence can shift the balance of your world. The pillar of your worlds story. If you wish to put it in the simplest terms he would be the main character." I say as I flick some dust off my shoulder, while the whole room, minus two, breaks out into arguments while a few teachers try to calm the others down. The only 2 that are scilent, are my student who is quickly working to figure it out in his mind, and the person himself, his green hair covering his eyes with that broken fake smile on his face as he sits not speaking a single word as his mind is filled with the dark thoughts of the words told to him in middle school.
"Im telling you it has to be deku-kun!" I make out in the loud arguments, and smile as I see the brunette with the permanent blush yell at the explosive blond who has already recovered from his ordile enough to let his huge ego speak for him.
"ENOUGH!" I roar, the room dropping in tempiture enough to freeze them all in place, leaving only the fuzzy headed izuku and nedzu untouched. "Now. Out of every person here I only heard a few of you guess right. The person who holds the worlds balance in there grasp is one izuku midoriya." I say, freeing them from the ice as the mentioned boy looks at me like im insane.
"To put it simply, in the most basic of terms had izuku given up, killed himself, or turned into a villian, most if not all of this room would be dead right now." I say, my words alone causing every set of eyes in the room to widen in shock. "Even my student would have died if it wasnt for a simple thing he did." I say, causing Nedzu to stop and look at the boy in wonder. "During your time here you will see how things could have gone, as well as some of the things that have happened. I will show you the truths of your world, as well as some secrets that will change how you see some the world itself. I even have a single truth, which when I show it may change the path of your lives with this single bit of information alone." I explain to them, waving my hand and putting them into their seats except for izuku and ochako themselves, who get a special couch to share.
"Hey! Why does midoriya get to sit with MY sexy Uraraka!" Mineta yells in complaint, causing izuku's eyes to flash red for a second, before they turn back to green.
"Shut your mouth, grape stain." I scoff, his body getting wrapped up by metal threads, pinning him in place in his seat, while covering his mouth. "Be happy I even brought you here, but you wont be staying long, if you don't change your disturbingly disgusting ways." I snarl, steam exiting my mouth as I huff. Mineta quickly gulps and curls up to make himself smaller. "Now with that out of the way, I will only say this once. The things you will see here will not leave you unaffected. I may later bring more people in I might not who knows. But Is everything you see here is undoubtedly the truth If I tell you it is another part of the universe it is. If I tell you that it's from a different universe then it's not true in yours, but is true in another. NOW!!!! Prepare yourself for the wonderful truth of your universe and the Dekuverse!" I say as the screan behind me flickers to life, then shows a loading bar with a blurry photo of UA behind it.

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