A wonderful first date! ( part 3 )

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( THIS IS THE LAST PART OF THIS STUPID DATE DONT WORRY NJHBGHJN and im sick thats my excuse so this is bad )

Sunny woke up with a gasp. Clenching his chest harshly. His breath was shallow and quick. He looked up at Kel, who was sleeping soundly. Sunny sighed a bit, leaning back onto Kel's chest. still feeling a bit uncomfortable as the gut-wrenching feeling is still reverberating in his chest. Sunny shifted his head to look out the window, trying to get his mind off the feelinging that was still lurking. The car came to a quick halt, making Sunny look out the windshield to where they were, they had arrived at Gino's pizza! ' ' can you wake up Kel Sunny? ' ' Hero asked, looking at him through the mirror, realizing he was awake. Sunny nodded and shook Kel lightly. Who groaned a response, opening his eyes slightly.

' ' noooo!! I'm tired!!! ' ' Kel whined, wrapping his arms around Sunny quickly, not letting him get up. ' ' Kellll! Come onnnnn! ' ' Sunny chuckled, blushing. Hero and Basil glared at each other with a smug look. Both of them were laughing slightly. Making Kel release Sunny while blushing profusely ' ' SORRYSUNNYIWASJUSTTIREDANDHBGVFCDGH- ' ' Kel practically-screached. Sunny put his hand over Kel's mouth. ' ' loud. ' ' he said quietly. ' ' s-sorry ' ' Kel said embarrassed, surprised by his sternness. They all got out of the car waiting for Kim and Aubrey to arrive.

Small time skip

' ' huh... they should have been here by now.. ' ' Hero whispered slightly. A serious face then appeared on his face when he remembered something. ' ' Kel... you told Aubrey we are meeting here right?... ' ' Hero said, turning his face to Hero. ' ' i-i was supposed to?... ' ' Kel asked in a squeaky voice. ' ' yes... ' ' Hero sighed, placing his hand on the temples of his head. ' ' oh... ' ' Kel whispered. ' ' ill just text her ' ' Hero said, knowing this isn't gonna end well

( once Aubrey and Kim arrived )

' ' YOU ASSHOLES! NONE OF YOU TEXTED ME!!! ' ' Aubrey was practically fuming. Kim sighed walking behind her. ' ' I FELL ASLEEP BEFORE HERO TOLD ME TOO!! ' ' Kel sobbed. ' ' hey don't blame me! ' ' Hero said, walking up beside his brother. Sunny started spacing out. He didn't like the loud noise, he saw Headspace Kel and Aubrey bickering back and forth, Hero trying to break it up. Mari next to him. She had a smug look on her face, it was always funny when Mari did that. Mari looked over at Sunny. Her smile reverberated in his thoughts. She then faded away. Something taking her place.

 He stared at it. It was like it was mocking him. Fear filled his whole body. His legs telling him to run away. That he NEEDED to run away. His brain was telling him that this isn't real. But the logic was soon drowned out by the sound of his heart. The pace slowly increasing. He felt a heavy feeling quickly smacking down aggressively on his shoulders. Snapping him out of his trance. ' ' Sunny?? Are you okay? ' ' Kel said, Basil by his side. He blinked hard. Getting rid of Something from his vision. He just nodded, looking away slightly. ' ' Just making sure! ' ' Kel smiled, taking his hands off of Sunny's shoulder and smiling slightly. ' ' are we gonna go inside orrrrr? ' ' Kel asked, turning towards KIm Aubrey and Hero who were still bickering slightly. Hero nodded, happy that the argument was finally over.

' ' I guess I'm paying? ' ' Hero snickered, holding the door open for everyone. Aubrey stuck her tongue out and smiled ' ' haha ' ' she half-laughed in a monotone voice, flicking her hair into Hero's face while walking through the door. Hero gripped Aburey's hair harshly while she was walking, making her stumble back. ' ' OUCH OUCH OUCH! LET GO! ' ' Aubrey shrieked, placing her hands where her roots are. Hero snickered and let go. Aubrey swiftly punched him in the face full force. ' ' OWW OKAY OKAY I'M SORRY! ' ' Hero hollered at Aubrey.

' ' What do you want, Sunshine? ' ' Kel said, turning his head to face Sunny. Sunny just shrugged, looking at the floor. ' ' just.. Order me whatever your getting. ' ' He said, closing his eyes slightly, very lethargic. ' ' i-im gonna go sit down.. ' ' Sunny said walking away. ' ' bu- ' ' Kel whispered slightly, reaching out his hand, but then decided it was no use, putting his hand back to his side a bit sadly. ' ' i-its okay! Im sure he's just tired! ' ' he reassured him slightly. ' ' yeah... you're right! ' ' Kel smiled slightly. 

Sunny sat down on one of the seats, bringing his knees to his chin. He sighed slightly. He glanced over to were Kel and Basil stood, Kel looked sorta upset... ' ' shit... ' ' Sunny thought, he pierced hin nails into his arms ' ' that was so rude of me... ' ' he thought, tensing his body up slightly. A vision of Mari appeared behind Kel. Staring at Sunny. Smiling brightly ear to ear. He stared at her. ' ' whats the matter Sunny? Not happy to see your big sister? ' ' Mari frowned. ' ' your not real. ' ' Sunny told her sternly. ' ' what do you mean Sunny? I'm right here. ' ' She said, walking through Kel to get right in front of Sunny. ' ' Your. Not. real. ' ' he said, pushing his face right into her's. Trying to intimidate her. Mari sighed. ' ' just as mean as when you pushed me down the stairs huh? You will never change. ' ' Mari said. Glaring at her brother. Sunny cringed remembering that day. The horrid day where he pushed his big sister down the stairs. Out of pure rage. With no intention of killing her.

' ' im sorry..' ' Sunny said, feeling the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. ' ' no. you arent. ' ' Mari said, raising her head in pure disgust. ' ' im sorry! Im sorry! Please forgive me! ' ' Sunny sobbed into his hands. ' ' I didn't mean to. I really didn't! ' ' he sobbed louder. ' ' You're a liar and a murder. ' ' Mari scoffed. ' ' nobody will forgive you. You dont even deserve their forgiveness. ' ' she said harshly.

Sunny slowly opened his eyes. He was at Gino's.. But everyone else was gone?... ' ' Kel?... Hero?.. Anyone? ' ' Sunny called out to no one.

To no one at all.

( giggles - 1166 words used )

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