An unwanted conversation.

382 12 27

Caution! this chapter will contain motions of S3lf H4rm! Continue with caution!

Kel turned to where Sunny was sitting on the floor. ' ' Sunny. I have to tell you something... before I say anything... I'm not mad at you. I swear. ' ' Kel said, a shadow being cast along his face, tears forming in his eyes. Sunny looked surprised and confused. Kel walked over to where Sunny was sitting and pulled back his sleeve. Revealing the clearly visible lines covering his arm. Sunny gasped, his eyes getting wider, Sunny turned his gaze to Kel's face, he was sobbing, he crouched down to Sunny ' ' why?... ' ' Kel sobbed, tears formed in Sunny's eyes ' ' so sorry ' ' Sunny said collapsing into Kel's arms, sobbing into his shirt.

Kel hugged Sunny tightly ' ' don't apologize. ' ' Kel said, tears still flowing from his eyes. Sunny could barely breathe because of how much he was crying. ' ' shhh... it's okay.. Just talk to me when you feel this way... please?... ' ' Kel said, bringing Sunny's head up to face his. Sunny nodded ' ' i will.. ' ' he said in between sobs. Kel brushed the tears off of Sunny's face. ' ' It's okay.. ' ' Kel reassured him gently. Sunny smiled slightly and hugged Kel tight, Kel smiled and placed his hand on Sunny's hair, playing with his hair gently. ' ' Hero also knows... ' ' Kel said looking at the floor, ' ' im so sorry.. I found out about it last night.. A-and I freaked out and told Hero and the- ' ' Kel was interrupted by a finger covering his lips ' ' it's okay. ' ' Sunny said gently. Kel nodded and Sunny slowly moved his finger away from Kel's lips, just then there was a knock on the door, causing Sunny to flinch. ' ' woah! You good? ' ' Kel asked, before getting up. Sunny nodded, pulling his sleeve back up quickly before the door was opened.

Standing outside the entrance was none other than a pink haired Aubrey and a smiling Basil. ' ' woah. Aubrey really has changed a lot. ' ' Sunny thought making quick eye contact with both of them. Aubrey and Basil both walked in the house quickly, making sure to shut the door behind them. Sunny stared at Basil. The thoughts of Mari rushing back to him. ' ' Sunnyyy? Earth to Sunnyyyy! ' ' a voice said, snapping him out of his trance ' ' sorry. ' ' Sunny said quickly, looking at the floor, still getting those last thoughts out of his head. Kel smiled ' ' ah! Feels like old times! ' ' Kel said, smiling his goofy grin ' ' yeah. ' ' Aubrey said, rolling her eyes slightly, Basil nodded in agreement, Hero walked down the stairs and greeted everyone ' ' sorry i was cleaning my room a bit ' ' Hero admitted, laughing gently.

There was silence... ' ' okay now this is awkward ' ' Kel said, breaking the silence and placing his hand behind his head, ' ' It wasn't till you said it was! ' ' Aubrey said, hitting the back of his head with back her hand ' ' ouch! ' ' Kel whined ' ' that hurt! ' ' Kel said, pulling at her hair. Aubrey quickly snapped her head to face Kel and with a quick motion of her leg she swiped Kel's feet from underneath him, causing him to fall over. Kel, trying to gain his balance pulled Aubrey's hair, causing her to fall with him, they both fell with a thump, Aubrey punched Kel in the face, Kel brought his knee up into her stomach quickly, Hero walked over to them, grabbing both of their ears making them stand up. ' ' Apologize to each other. ' ' Hero said, glaring at both of them. ' ' Now. ' ' Hero said, pulling their ears harder ' ' SORRY! ' '

they both winced in pain. Hero let go ' ' good. ' ' Sunny look surprised, Basil looked worried, Kel and Aubery were still whining in pain ' ' How have you been Sunny? ' ' Basil said, smiling, turning his head. Sunny shrugged ' ' good i guess. ' ' Kel looked at the floor and frowned ' ' he's been acting like everything's okay this whole time... ' ' Kel thought, his heart hurt. It felt like he was going to cry. ' ' Want to watch a movie? ' ' Kel said, his voice cracking from still feeling upset. Aubrey nodded reluctantly. ' ' S-sure! ' ' Basil chimed in, ' ' Why not! ' ' Hero shrugged in agreement, ' ' okay ' ' Sunny hummed. 

Just then a big roar of thunder came from outside, Sunny gasped and ran over to Kel. latching onto his arm, breathing heavily ' ' Woah! Sunny! What's wrong? ' ' Kel said worried, Aubrey Hero and Basil all looked worried ' ' afraid of thunder... ' ' Sunny said, very embarrassed with all the attention on him. Kel scooped up Sunny in his arms ' ' thats okay ill protect you! ' ' Kel said smiling widely, revealing his missing tooth.

Aubrey smiled and cooed ' ' lovebirds. ' ' while walking over to the TV, Basil laughing in response. Kel shrieked a bit. ' ' W-WHAT? ' ' he said, his face turning a bright red. Hero chuckled, walking alongside Aubrey, followed by Basil ' ' i call sitting on the couch with Sunny ' ' Kel called to the rest of the group, racing in front of them, giggling slightly, Sunny ( who was about to fall ) held on to Kel's shirt, still panicked of all that was happening. Kel stopped when they stood in front of the couch ' ' You okay Sunshine? ' ' Kel said, smiling slightly. Sunny blushed, looking up at him, still panicked and now flustered

YIPPEEEEEE ( 1014 words used, ill post longer ones i just wanted to get this one out of the way! )

: D

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