A wonderful first date! (part 2)

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' ' yes! Like that! Just push outwards a bit! ' ' Sunny explained to Kel, who was stumbling slightly. ' ' gosh this is hard! ' ' Kel whined as Aubrey skated past them quickly, sticking her tongue out at Kel in the process ' ' Hey! ' ' screamed Kel, who forgot he was on skates, trying to step toward. Witch to no avail made his start slipping ' ' ACK- ' ' Kel screamed as Sunny rushed up to catch him. ' ' Kel! Careful! ' ' Sunny sighed but then chuckled his face, gaining a slight pink at the careless boy. ' ' Sorry Sunny! ' ' Kel blushed, scrambling back up. ' ' It's okay! ' ' Sunny whispered, still chuckling under his breath.

Small time skip because yes

In a short amount of time Kel has fallen about... 5 times? And every single time Sunny has been there to catch him without fail! But eventually Kel was getting better, Basil on the other hand... ehhh... wasn't having the best luck! ' ' Basil you cant just latch on to the wall the whole time! ' ' Aubrey explained, doing small twirls and jumps while skating next to him. Hero who didn't know how to help in the slightest was talking to Kel when Aubrey said that she would help Basil instead. ' ' b-but im scared! ' ' Basil whined, latched on to the wall of the rink. Aubrey sighed and skated next to him. ' ' BUT YOU WONT LEARN ANYTHING IF YOU JUST STAY THERE! ' ' Aubrey grunted trying to pry him off ' ' but im gonna fallllll! ' ' Basil sobbed not letting go. Aubrey let go and facepalmed. ' ' Basil you're helpless! ' ' She sighed

' ' SUNNY!!! COME HELP ME!!!! ' ' Aubrey skated away, leaving Basil alone sobbing slightly. Sunny, who was skating with Kel pretty fast for Kel just starting out. Sunny gasped as he saw the pink haired girl go suddenly flying to a wall screaming ' ' FUCKKKKKKK!!- ' ' THUMP.  Kel turned his head quickly to see where the loud noise came from. Aubrey sat on the floor. Her hand was placed over her head. Everyone including Basil skated up to her. ' ' Aubrey! Are you okay? ' ' Hero gasped, trying to crouch down to where she was sitting. ' ' im fine! I-i dont know what happened! I just zoned out. I guess. ' ' Aubrey said quickly. Getting up too fast for everyone's liking. ' ' Aubrey! ' ' A voice shouted from the crowd of people who were skating around. ' ' Kim? ' ' Aubrey said, confused, recognizing the barely-audible voice. ' ' Aubrey! ' ' the voice shouted, a little louder this time. Kim quickly skated out of the crowd and hugged Aubrey, pretty much smacking into her. ' ' Kim! Ouch! ' ' she laughed. ' ' Sorry! I didn't know you would be here! ' ' Kim said, smiling and looking up at her. 

Sunny and Kel exchange glances and then skated off chuckling loudly. Kim looked over to where they were and looked back at Aubrey ' ' what's their problem? ' ' Kim said sarcastically. ' ' Eh, who knows! ' ' Aubrey chuckled slightly before looking at Hero ' ' can you stay with Basil? I'm going to go skate with Kim if that's alright ' ' Hero nodded quickly ' ' sounds good ' ' he smiled. Aubrey and Kim quickly skated off holding hands. Hero smirking at them.

Time skip againnnnnn ( can you tell i'm running out of ideas? )

After Hero finally got the whole group together he came up with an idea. ' ' How about we all go out to eat? It's getting pretty late. Then ill drive everyone home. ' ' he said, everyone walking over to the exit of the rink. ' ' s-sounds good! ' ' Basil hummed. ' ' yeah! ' ' Kel practically shouted. ' ' sure ' ' Aubrey chuckled. Rubbing her fist harshly on Kim's head, making her laugh. Sunny nodded reluctantly even though he wasn't really hungry himself. They all left the rink as a group before Aubrey said ' ' i'm going to ride with Kim. someone text me the place we're going and we'll meet y'all there. ' ' she said while walking over to Kim's car ( she can 100% drive ) ' ' alright! ' ' Hero said, waving. Once they were in the car Sunny leaned onto Kel.completely worn out ' ' you tired Sunshine? ' ' Kel asked, blushing slightly. Sunny just nodded. Kel chuckled slightly he placed a hand over his back ' ' i love you Sunshine. ' ' Kel said, kissing the top of Sunny's head quickly.

Everything started to fade out...




Welcome to white space.

You've been living here for as long as you can remember.




Sunny blinked his eyes open. Adjusting to the ere light all around. Omori stood next to him. Making Sunny feel a little weirded out. ' ' I'm not going to Headspace today... I might just stay here... ' ' Sunny said, turning his head away from Omori to face a " wall " Omori nodded quickly and looked around.

A knife was laying on the floor a little bit from the black square border where they were located. Omori walked up to Mewo. scooping her up and bringing her to Sunny.

Mewo meowed slightly and laid next to Sunny. Tears formed slightly in the corner of his eyes. Omori sat in between Mewo and Sunny. Who was sobbing harshly,

Omori reached and grabbed the tissue box, giving it to Sunny. ' ' thanks... ' ' Sunny said in between sobs. Omori nodded and placed his head on his knees.

A little time skip

Sunny whipped the tears from his eyes, he was very lethargic and he wanted to leave a soon as possible. ' ' i'm gonna leave... Bye Omori. ' ' He said, getting up, trying not to pass out in the process.

Omori lifted his head and waved. Sunny glanced around looking for the knife. Something faded away quickly after being spotted. 

Causing a slight shiver to go down his back quickly. Sunny caught eyes with the knife that laid on the floor. 

His eyes held eye contact. 

His legs made him move forward without hesitation. 

He picked up the knife swiftly and plunged it into his chest. A sharp pain spread uncomfortably throughout his body like a quick wave washing over him.

 He fell onto the floor, his last view being Mewo meowing at him, confused and concerned.




Sunny woke up with a gasp. Clenching his chest harshly. His breath was shallow and quick.

( its 4 in the morning ahhhh im going to bed, hope you guys liked it 1143 words used woooo!! im tired lmao )

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