Mission get together!

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Kel walked into the kitchen looking for Sunny, who ran away quickly without an explanation of what happened ' ' did you sleep well Sunny? ' ' Hero said, grabbing plates while also trying to cook. Sunny nodded, looking out the window, clouds covering every inch of the sky, Kel who was still a bit confused walked over beside Sunny ' ' looks like it's gonna rain. Should I invite Aubrey and Basil over? We all havent gotten together in a longgggg time ' ' Kel said, turning his head to face Sunny. Sunny hadn't seen Basil sense the incident. He looked away at the floor ' ' pleaseeee! It will be fun! ' ' Kel pleaded, who got a gentle ' ' okay. ' ' from Sunny

' ' yayyyy!! ' ' Kel said happily, who latched on to Sunny, causing him to flinch, not expecting the sudden movement. ' ' that seems like a good idea ' ' Hero said, placing the plates on the table before smiling at the two, who were still hugging, looking out of the window at the gray skies ' ' time to eat, lovebirds ' ' he giggles under his breath, Kel shrieked, his face turning a bright red ' ' W-WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!? ' ' Kel screamed in response, Sunny's face flushing with a light pink ' ' I didn't say anything! ' ' Hero said with a chuckle, placing his hand on his hip, Kel glared harshly at Hero before sitting down ' ' like id believe that ' ' Kl said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, Sunny chuckled slightly. Kel gasped ' ' did i just make you laugh???? ' ' Kel smiled brightly pointing at Sunny, Sunny smiled slightly and shrugged, glancing at the pancakes on the plate in front of him, causing his stomach to turn.

Kel started eating and glanced at Sunny. ' ' Are you feeling alright? ' ' Kel said, a worried expression plastered on his face, Sunny nodding in response. ' ' Not hungry? ' ' Kel said, turning his head, Sunny nodded, looking away ' ' but... you didn't really eat anything yesterday... ' ' Kel said, frowning, looking at Hero, who had his head raised, listening to the conversation with an emotionless glare ' ' can you eat at least a little for me? ' ' Kel said, putting his hand over Sunny's ' ' fine.. ' ' Sunny said, looking at Kel, a bit embarrassed. Sunny ate half of a pancake and a single strawberry. Kel was happy though. That's all that mattered to Sunny.

Kel walked over to the home phone, quickly dialing Basil's phone number, surprised he even remembered it! ' ' hello! This Polly! ' ' a voice said over the phone ' ' O-oh! Is Basil there! ' ' Kel said, a little caught off guard ' ' oh yes he is! Let me go get him! ' ' the voice said quickly, trailing off. ' ' h-hello? ' ' a familiar voice said softly ' ' Basil! ' ' Kel said happily, ' ' o-oh! Hello k-kel! ' ' Basil said with a hum in his voice. ' ' Do you want to come to my house? Sunny and Hero are here and I was going to invite Aubrey! ' ' Kel said, getting straight to the point ' ' i t-think that would b-be alright, l-let me ask ' ' Basil said softly a few moments later

' ' y-yeah! Thats alright ' ' Basil said happily ' ' yay! Ill call Aubrey and ill tell you what she says! ' ' Kel said smiling his goofy smile like always ' ' a-alright! ' ' Basil said hanging up soon after ' ' now for the hard part ' ' Kel said sighing slightly, putting in Aubrey's number reluctantly, after a few rings ' ' What do you want ' ' a sharp voice said ' ' Aubrey! Its me Kel! ' ' Kel said a slight change in his tone. Aubrey sighed ' ' what do you want. ' ' ' ' i was wondering if you wanted to come to my house, Sunny, Hero are here and Basil is coming a bit later! ' ' Kel said quickly, closing his eyes, expecting to be shut down quickly ' ' sure. ' ' Aubrey said, hanging up immediately after ' ' welp, that could have gone worse ' ' Kel said shrugging 

wooooo! ( 742 words used! ill make longer once soon i swear! )

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