v. whispers

910 53 11

She is a princess, not a wildling.

   "IT IS OKAY, you did not mean to do it

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   "IT IS OKAY, you did not mean to do it."

Soft, small hands trailed along the body of the dragon, shaking as if a cold breeze was mercilessly eating away at her skin. Olive green scales reflected in the light of the moon, the only sign of illumination nearby. The dragon was curled in on itself, its back to the outside world and its head resting in the middle, an occasional cloud of warmth leaving its nostrils as it breathed out, keeping the two Velaryons warm. Valaena sat in the middle of its makeshift circle with Jacaerys, her hands never once leaving Vermax's scales.

   "I may be a killer, Jace."

She repeated the same words over and over, hands trembling as she ducked her head as if seeking refuge within the dragon's warmth.

Valaena had run into Jacaerys just as he was entering his room, having been sent there after his fight with Aegon. Seeing the state Valaena was in, he had promptly taken her to the Dragonpit, figuring it was the last place anyone would search for her. Vermax didn't seem to mind her presence, and he didn't even mind that the girl was smearing her bloodied fingerprints on his scales.

   "But you did not mean to do it, Val-"

   "The Princess!"

Valaena Velaryon flinched, but didn't move out from her spot, curling up closer to Jace. Perhaps the search party had seen her head of white hair peaking slightly over the top of the fairly small dragon, and even though they had already spotted her, she ducked further, withdrawing her hand from the dragon and instead clutching at her own arms. It left bloody fingerprints on her skin, but she didn't think much of it. Jace managed to pry her fingers from her arms, instead holding her hands in his own.

   "Valaena, you are not in trouble. Just come out so we may talk to you." It was Rhaenyra, her mother. However, Valaena did not respond.

There was some hushed whispering that followed - clearly an argument they didn't want Valaena to listen to. But she heard it all, and so she stayed where she was, shaking her head even though she knew they couldn't see her.

   "I may have killed her, Jace," Valaena whispered, a smile twitching at her lips as the dragon nudged his head against her arm. The sudden and brief appearance of a smile confused Jace, but he tried not to think much of it.

   "Valaena? Valaena, darling, can you come out?" At the sound of her father, Laenor, Valaena felt her tensed body relax somewhat, easing up on the grip she had on Jacaerys. "Please, my love. You are not in trouble."

It was only after a few more coaxing words that Valaena stepped out from the comforting solitude her dragon offered her, showing herself to those who had come to find her. Jacaerys was close behind, and only let go of her hand when Laenor had moved forward before anyone else could, bending down to pick up the girl, cradling the back of her head with his hand. He, too, didn't care for the blood that stained her hands or her dress. Vermax uncurled himself, letting out a low groan as his rider walked away with Laenor Velaryon.

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