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Nathan's POV

"What are you doing?!" He stormed in, "If you were hungry you should've told the help-

"I'm cooking for you." I shrugged, hoping he wouldn't see the blush I felt creep across my face. "You said you were hungry so uh...I thought I'd be able to have something ready."

He stood beside me, standing on his toes as he watched me stir the pot. His hair was a mess of gold strands, his eyes adorably puffy and his hands tightly clinging to my arm. Normally he looked at me as if I was an abomination to mankind, yet today he quietly stared up at me with tired eyes. His lips parted for a moment before pressing into a thin line and disappearing as he jerked his head away.

"Thank you," he mumbled as his ears flushed red.


I poured the curry into a bowl of veggies and rice, turning to grab a spoon only to bump into him. We tumbled to the floor, his body shrinking under me as my shadow covered him. My arms stretched out in front of me as if I were about to try doing the push-up challenge. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the blood rush down my body as he lay under me.

His hands were pressing- squeezing- my chest as his wide eyes stared into mine. I could feel our pulses match the speed of meteors as our quiet, shallow breaths escaped. His pheromones were triggering mine, fogging my mind. My hand slowly cupped his angelic face, my thumb brushing his plump lips as I felt myself lean in. His skin was so soft and he smelled so incredibly sweet...

"Nathan..." he whined quietly as his head tilted back, revealing his tiny, unmarked, neck.

I could...no I can mark- no mate him right now...

"Max..." My fingers brushed against his neck, the soft thin skin tempting my mind as his legs tightly wrapped around my waist. "Max I..."

 I forced my body back, the sudden distance feeling as if I had ripped off a band-aid. I stumbled up, the sudden heaviness between my legs obvious as he obviously stared up at me. If it weren't for the apron, he would've seen the result of our fall. I squeezed the counter while attempting to steady myself and focus but every breath I took made me want to take every breath of his away. He was so close and I was too close to losing control.


"E-Enjoy the curry!" I forced myself out of the kitchen, locking myself out as I hurried to the bathroom.

Max's POV

Turmeric, cumin, honey, parsley, garlic, and savory chicken melted in my mouth as I clung onto the bowl of heaven. The rice was cooked perfectly and the mushrooms and thinly sliced potatoes gave a perfect crunch. I impatiently dug my spoon into the bowl only for it to loudly hit the bottom.

Why did he run away?

I sucked the sauce off the spoon, ignoring the nagging thoughts of what my nanny would've said if she were watching me now. Manners are meaningless when you're alone, and I was alone. Moments before I had my alpha, yet now he had run off and left me to eat alone. Perhaps this was vengeance for leaving him alone at tea-time when I got jealous of the maid receiving his charming smile.

His arms looked so scrawny yet when I was pinned to the floor I couldn't help but admire how toned they were. His body seemed to tighten and tense, revealing the well-maintained muscle hidden under the apron and slightly baggy shirt. I couldn't help but touch my neck, the memory of his hand caressing it making me shiver. The memory of the longing in his gaze made my heart flutter as I remembered how perfectly our waists aligned.

"You mustn't think so lewdly!" I mumbled, berating myself for the impurities filling my mind.

It's natural for an omega to think of their alpha this way...it must be...

I placed the bowl in the sink and rang for the help before returning to my room, which I now shared. Nathan was still gone, and his absence made my heart ache and my mind race. Was he out with another omega? Of course not! I knew I was a fool for even suggesting such stupidity to myself yet I could not stop the vivid thoughts from taking over.

I curled up into a ball as tears stung my eyes, why had he left me again? My room dimmed as the day trickled to darkness, candle-light being the only brightness left. I quickly wiped my eyes as I heard my door knob twist. He had finally come back after ditching me for hours. My hands clenched into fists as I gritted my teeth, tears refilling in my eyes as I scooted up against my headboard.


"Burn in hell!" I threw every pillow I had at him as I felt my pheromones flood the room. "You're the worst alpha-"

"I KNOW!" I had never heard him yell before, and I never wanted to hear him yell again.

We both stayed silent, shocked by his outburst and even more surprised by my lack of rebuttal. I trembled as his pheromones cloaked me into further darkness, his agony stabbing into me as I squeezed my bedsheets. Something- No, someone- was stressing him out.

"I know I-" his voice cracked, "I know I'm an awful alpha...I know you want someone who's on your level."

My level?

"I wish I could handle how I feel around you," quiet sniffles filled the room that weren't mine. "I wish I could easily handle ruts and-"

"You went into a rut?!" I jumped up, my face burning as his sudden exit suddenly made sense. "Nathan, I should've been there!"

"Why? To be taken advantage of?!" He hung his head as I glared up at him.

"It's my job as your omega-"

"This isn't a job, Max! I...I know this isn't what you want."

"What I want does not matter." I whispered as I wiped his face with the sleeves of my nightgown. "I've been selfish...only thinking of myself and how this is affecting me. I never even considered that you'd be having your first rut..."

"I'm not for someone like you to worry about," our hands intertwined as his pheromones began to settle. "It's my own fault that I can't handle my ruts- everyone else handles theirs just fine-"

"Do they? Or are they just good at hiding how much it affects them?" I cupped his candle-lit face, all my worries falling from my mind as he closed his eyes. "You should rest...ruts are just as exhausting as heats."

"I'll uh-" he gently pulled away, "-Goodnight."

"Stay." I didn't care if I sounded clingy or needy, I just couldn't stomach the idea of being alone- without him- again. "Please...I need you here."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," he stammered. "W-What if we-"

"Lay with me." I tightly held his hands as I sat on my bed, ignoring my hammering heart. "I do not want to spend another night alone...."

"I don't want to leave you alone," he whispered as our hands laced together.

"Then don't...stay with me tonight." I pushed the tingles tickling my spine away as he gently squeezed my hands. "Lay with me."

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