
24.6K 110 11

it was a dark night in Brooklyn, New York. the streets were empty after 12:00am due to the dangers.

i was in a club with a couple of my friends. i had maybe 5-6 shots. my friends were completely wasted and so was i.

i was wearing a jean shorts and a tank top.

the bar wasn't as packed anymore it was me, my friends and a couple other people. being a 19 year old college student sucked on the weekends.

i felt like the odd one out. my friends were all talking about shows they watched as i sat there confused.

i started to think about how i was going to get home and who i was going to ride with.

after zoning out for a second i realized i needed to pee.

i stood up and walked to the bathroom. the bathroom was kinda dirty and dark.

i sat in the stall on my phone just scrolling through whatever was new.

i finished up and washed my hands. as i walked back into the bar area, i realized all my friends were gone.

i started to panick because i had no way home.

i asked the bar tender if he knew where they had gone and he told me that they left as soon as i went to the bathroom and stuck me with the tab.

the adrenaline rush was flowing through me not knowing what to do.

i gave him what was in my wallet and he accepted and told me to get home safe.

walking out of the bar i was making things up as i went. i could walk but thats miles and miles and i had no clue where i was.

i walked around looking for maybe a cab or a bus station i could wait at.

the air was getting colder and i didn't bring a jacket.

there seemed to be no one in sight with an occasional car passing by but i wasn't about to hitch hike.

i turned on my phone for directions but it was on 7% and i didn't want to waste the battery.

i turned the corner and saw a subway in the distance. i sighed in relief and began walking. my feet were tired and i saw a bench and took a rest.

i processed the situation i was in fully and realized how dangerous this really is.

the pepper spray in my purse eased my nerves a bit but there was still a feeling of paranoia.

i got up and started to walk again.

as i passed through what looked to be sort of an alley way leading to some warehouse type thing there was a man standing there on the phone smoking a cigarette.

thats when i realized i didn't have any money for the subway.

i don't like asking people for money but i was desperate.

i walked up and said "excuse me sir im sorry, im not from here."

he looked at me and then said "let me call you back" to who ever he was talking to.

"ill do anything please, i just need to get home." i said slightly slurring my words.

"excuse me?" he said. "im not from around here and im drunk and ill do anything i just need to get home."

"anything?" he said throwing his cigarette.

i stopped for a second and got a good look at him. he was tall, muscular, light brown skin and black hair. he had a white tank top on with black shorts.

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