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  "WHY DO YOU LAUGH LIKE THA- BAH-" Jungwon bursts into laughter, listening to your weird laughter. "Shut up!" You managed to get out in between laughter. "YOU LAUGH LIK- H-" He couldn't get words out at how hard he was laughing, his stomach beginning to hurt.

  He leaned backwards, forgetting that he was sitting on a stool and fell off only making you laugh harder and weirder. "Shut the fuck up please!" Jungwon pleaded, still laying on the floor while holding his belly.

  "ARE YOU HAVING A SEIZURE-?" Jungwon asked out of concern, laughing harder when you started shaking. "You said I sound li-" Neither of you could get a word out, Jungwon lay on the kitchen floor while you starting crying and getting up.

  "Huening Ka-" Jungwon kicked his feet, slapping your leg to shut you up. You became breathless, wiping your tears and helping Jungwon up. "You sound like Huening Kai." He repeated, wiping away his tears before getting back to studying.

  "I'm never studying with you again please.. what was that?" You massage your cheeks, they started to hurt because you were smiling for too long. "I'm sorry it was too funny, why do you laugh like that?!" He burst into laughter again at the remembrance of the goofy laugh.

  "Shut up!" You slapped his arm, shutting him up quickly. "I'm sorry, let's get back to studying." Jungwon scratched the back of his neck, finally calm after the whole thing. Jungwon stared at you, why are you so focused?

  "What are you looking at?" You snapped your head Jungwon's way. "You." He said with an attempted wink. You laughed at the attempt, "NO DON'T LAUGH AGAIN!" Jungwon covered your mouth with his palm, he's not using up his energy to laugh again.

  "What was that?" You smiled at him, tilting your head. "Don't do that!" You yelled after Jungwon kissed his hand and put that same hand on your lips. You pushed his face away using one of your hands before getting back to studying. "We have a exam tomorrow I'm not failing because of a flirt."

  "Now focus will you?!" You pushed the books to Jungwon, trying to get him to focus on studying. "I don't wanna studyy~" He whined, leaning onto you. "10 more minutes." You raised your eyebrows to him. "5. and a kiss please." You rolled your eyes.

"Can I still get the kiss?"


This chapter is a mess.. don't mind it. (Not the best of Jungwon chapters :/)

 (Not the best of Jungwon chapters :/)

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I might make a chapter where it's just photos of the members?

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I might make a chapter where it's just photos of the members?

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