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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


  I sat at my desk, studying for the upcoming test my math teacher were to give me. So engrossed, I didn't notice the knocking at my window. Once I did, my head shot up to look at the window.

  I curiously got up and made my way towards the window. I opened it and peeked my head outside only to see Sunghoon standing outside. "Sunghoon? What the-" I opened the window more, allowing him to come inside.

  "Why are you here?" I whisper-yelled at him. "I can't visit my girlfriend?" He smirked and placed a hand on my waist. "I'm studying you dumb-fuck." I whispered while pushing his hand away and made my way towards my desk.

  "Awh, not even a hug? What about a hi?" He playfully pouted. I rolled my eyes and focused on my studies. "I really have to study Hoon." I reasoned. "Take a break?" He suggested while taking my hand and pulling me up from the seat.

  He laid me down on the bed and soon laid next to me. "You really came all the way to my house for cuddles?" I chuckled softly before turning to my side and hugging Sunghoon while softly patting the back of his head.

  "Okay, tell me what's bothering you?" I asked, knowing he would want cuddles when he's stressed. "I haven't been getting enough sleep." He mumbled as I felt him frown against my chest.

  "How about you rest while I cuddle you?" I smiled once Sunghoon nodded his head and rested his body. Quietly, I patted his head gently. A muffled hiccup disturbed the silence that had been placed in between me and Sunghoon.

  I realized he was crying and pulled away, facing Sunghoon while holding his face in my hands. "Are you crying?" I smiled while furrowing my eyebrows. He nodded his head while his cheeks were slightly squished.

  "Aw you're so cute~" I sang while hugging him again and patting his head. "Don't cry or you'll turn ugly." I joked and successfully earned a muffled giggle from him. "See? No need to cry okay?" I smiled and kissed his hair.

  "Now I need to get back to studying but I'll bring it to bed so you can cuddle me until you feel better." I said and got up, grabbed my things, and lay on my stomach next to Sunghoon. I placed my studying tools in front of me while getting comfortable.

  "There we go." I sighed in satisfaction. Sunghoon lay on top of me while hugging my waist and snuggling his head in between my shoulder and neck cutely. 

"Tell me when you feel better."

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