Chapter 2: What Is Done

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Thank you everyone for the massive support for my Dragon Prince genderbent AU. I know I promised I'll update every Tuesday and I'm sorry I broke that promise. I've just been extra busy with my pup.

And a massive thank you to my beta Yuuguregurl21 oh and another thank you to Zubeia on The Dragon Prince Wikia for the amazing work on the transcripts, without them I wouldn't get the chapter out. X)
My social media handles:
Twitter: @RoseRozu1
Tumblr: @RoseRozu22

Trigger Warning: mentions of underage marriage, periods and underage pregnancy

Chapter Text

Runaan and Callisto are seen crouching on the branch of a tree, gazing upon the castle somewhere inside the forest.

"They'll be on the lookout for us." Runaan said with dread in his eyes.

"Five of us won't be enough. We need all six." Warned Callisto.

"We will be stronger as five." Runaan said with confidence.

Callisto looks back down to the camp where the others attend to their weapons, preparing them for their mission while Raylan examines his own blade with an unsure expression, then turns towards Andromeda pouring poison on to her knife before she sent a glare at Raylan, making him recoil slightly and decides to address Skor instead, who's currently sharpening his sword on top of a rock.

"Hey, could I borrow your sharpening thingie?" Raylan asked nervously.

"Whetstone." Skor answered back with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah, that." Raylan said with hope evident in his voice now that someone is talking to him.

"No." Skor said with anger in his tone, thus shooting down the young Elf's hopes as he turned away from them with a dejected expression before Neifion approached him and knelt beside him.

"If you want, you can borrow mine." Neifion said in a brotherly manner as he handed his whetstone to Raylan, of whom accepted it with mutuality before they heard Runaan and Callisto jumped down from the tree and approached the pair, causing Raylan to look up at his mentor.

"Come with me." Runaan said curtly as he walks away from the two as Raylan furrows his eyebrows in worry and puts away his blade, then follows the older Elf with a sense of shame in his body language and expression.

Back in Katolis, in the chambers of the children after having a bit of a cry, Calla wipes her face and enters the adjoined room.

"Ezran, sweetheart I'm sorry." Calla said with guilt, but unknown to her Bait and Ezran were listening. "I'm sure everything's going to be fine. You can call me all the names in the world and if you hate me, I will accept but I will always be your big sister. I love you Ez, and Bait too." Calla sighed when she didn't get an answer. "Okay, well, I'm going to go grab some books for our trip. We don't have much time, so I'll be back to help you pack what's left of your stuff."

Calla checks the door one more time as she turns away from it, then fixes her bag on her shoulder and leaves the room while Ezran cries into Bait as he goes inside a tunnel that's unknown to the guards and Calla.

Back inside the forest, Runaan walks in front of Raylan.

"I thought you could, Raylan, but I was wrong." Runaan said with sadness and some anger in his voice.

"You're not wrong. I can do it." Raylan pleaded while putting his hand on his chest.

"I know you've never taken a life before. I brought you because you're talented. Maybe the fastest and strongest of any of us. But it takes more than that. There's an instinct. A moment of truth. And at that moment, you hesitate." Runaan said while looking away. "I understand now that you're still just a child. Your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes." said while he turned around to Raylan with a look of sadness.

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