"Soon, I promise. But you need to go back before your soul is lost from your body. You've been here too long."

"Alright." She hugged her once more. "I love you. And I will learn how to control the sight, I will see you again."

"I have full faith in you, dear." She kissed the top of her head. "Now, go." The last part was merely a whisper as she felt herself being pulled back, being pulled out of her Nan's house that was once again surrounded by darkness.

The Weasley family stepped out of the fireplace one by one, Hermione and Harry closing the pack. Minerva McGonagall was waiting for them at her desk as she watched them all trickle in. Harry had just stepped out of the fireplace when Molly pounded on Professor McGonagall.

"Where is George? He told us to meet him here. He said it was important."

"I'll take you to him in a moment." Minerva said as she conjured chairs for everyone. "Take a seat."

"No, where is my son?! And why is he here?" Molly demanded. Arthur rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Let's hear her out, okay?" He coaxed her to one of the chairs and she grudgingly sat down.

"First, this is going to be a lot to take in but please try not to interrupt. You'll have questions but wait until we see George." She looked around the room, all eyes were on her, all eyes full of worry.

"George told me you all met Leah. It all starts with her you see. Leah isn't who she says she is, she's not a muggleborn, not in a sense that you are Hermione. Leah grew up a muggle, never knew about magic up until a little over a month ago. She found out about her world because she has the sight, visus motuurs.

"The sight of the death." Hermione and Bill whispered in shock, making the others gasp.

"Yes, she hasn't learned to control it, but there was one ghost she, and only she could see."

"Fred." Bill said. Molly's hand flew to her mouth as her eyes started to fill with tears, looking between her and Bill.

She nodded her head, making the others gasp again. "Fred told her about this world, our world. They went to see George, of course he didn't believe her at first, but Fred told her things only the two of them would know about. The three of them searched for answers on why she was the only one that could see him. Molly." She turned her attention to the mother-witch. "Do you remember when the twins were eight-years old, they came back from the woods and Fred had a nasty cut?"

"Yes, the scar never faded." She said with a trembling voice.

"Leah has the exact same one, they literally bumped into each other at Ottery St. Catchpole that day and ever since, or even before, they were linked to each other. They never saw each other again until... So, that's why Leah can see him. The three of them came here to find out more about the scars, Leah's sight, Leah's magic."

"Magic? So, she is a muggleborn?" Harry asked frowning, completely lost at this point.

"Yes and no. See, there's been magic in her family line for hundreds of years but because of the sight, because of fear of the sight her ancestors started to supress their abilities, their magic, making it dormant for over a hundred years. Leah is a descendant from Godric Gryffindor himself." She reached for the piece of parchment on her desk and handed it to Harry. "Harry, Leah is your third cousin."

"What?" Harry cried out, grabbing the parchment and scanned it quickly. "She really is." He looked up and passed the parchment to Hermione. "I can't believe it."

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