Prologue "A normal day for SNT + flashback"

Start from the beginning

"Guys stop fighting over me! Can we just be friends!" SNT said stepping between the two before they could send another array of attacks. They both stopped but her special aura activated making them blush. Their love for SNT strengthened and when they both looked at each other , it strengthened their hate too.

Causing them to fight again more fiercely forcing SNT to get out the way. Her pink clothes got dirty by the slightly wet ground because she fell when they push her away. 'It seems that Rookie telling me that my powers have a side affect on people, was true.' SNT thought as her eyes watered. 'I only made the problem worse and it was probably started with my powers to begin with.' SNT watched the fight, feeling helpless and a slowly growing self hatred form.

(Few minutes later)

"Hay SNT! Why is Sonic always after you and not me!" Said an boisterous pink hedgehog in a red dress and boots, appeared on scene. Her voice was pretty far away though it did hit SNT fox/hedgehog ears by how loud Amy Rose shouted. Amy got closer to the scene of Sonic and Shadow fighting and the little light blue hybrid was on the ground next to them. "Hmm do you need help" Amy said passive aggressively tone to SNT letting out a hand to her.

"Sure do Amy, thank you." SNT grabbed Amy's hand lifting herself up with some help on Amy's behalf. SNT smiled letting out the special aura again but Amy resisted the aura that tried to take control her. "Sonic and Shadow are fighting over me and I'm just making it worse so can you help me" SNT said while trying to stay positive. Amy Rose just rolled her eyes at what SNT said seeing it to be not acbig deal.

"SNT they fight each other all the time, they're also doing this more often nowadays. It's not your fault for being desirable by these hedgehogs and, I'm envious that I can't get that attention from them." she said putting her hands on her hips as she continued to talk. "You should leave them alone until they tire themselves out. You can just hang out with the chaotics crew or Cream or something for now" SNT seems to try to protest but, Any gave her a look of a disapproving mother that stopped her from protesting. SNT and Amy both left Shadow and Sonic to have their fight to do something more productive.

(Flashback end)

Even though Amy told SNT that it wasn't her fault for Sonic and Shadow behaviour but that didn't stop SNT for feeling that it was. 'It was my fault because I couldn't control my powers' SNT thought about Amy while letting out a sigh. She took an another sip of her black coffee before, leaving the balcony to go inside her house. She got changed into from her pink pyjamas with white hearts on them to her new modern outfit and put her hair into a ponytail.

She went to a mirror to make sure her face was clean. She got off any grime from yesterday off of her  blue furry face with a wet wipe. Which now shown her light blue fur in all of its glory with a bright shine. Even though she has many thoughts flowing in her head, her beautiful face reflected in the mirror gave her a small smile. Not a big one but the was a smile warm and hopeful one that could easily melt the coldest of hearts.

She went to the door grabbing the handle and swinging it open making a swishing sound. She walked off of her soft carpet onto the rough wood chip path outside. Her friends made it but, were they real or just her special aura making them like her in protonic way? If the special aura can make anyone insanely love her instantly, what if it does it all the time but at a lesser amount? Those horrible doubting thoughts tried to get into her head to make her feel worthless but she pushed them aside.

She is going to go to Cream's house to take care of the flickies that were orphaned by Eggman (for obvious reasons). She walked down the uneven path passing her other friends houses to Cream's. She quickly looked around checking if Sonic or Shadow was nearby before going closer to Cream's house.

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