Chapter one (House hunting)

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Taylor's pov

"COME ON, COME ON,  WE'RE LATE GUYS, LET'S GO" i heard my dad call out interrupting my negative thoughts going round my head, the footsteps of my family could be heard as they past my door and into the kitchen. Wiping an escaped tear from my eye as i stared down at the photograph of my mom and me, it was taken about two year's or so before she died.

I had others but this was by far my favorite, i was around nine years old and i had performed at the school talent show. I hadn't won but came pretty damn close, my mom had taken me for ice cream telling me she was proud of me and that I was her little star. I loved that day because it was just the two of us, i love my siblings and my dad but it was nice to just spend some quality time with her alone.

"TAYLOR" i heard my dad shout my name as he gave my door a knock "COMING" i called out back to him, i put the photo in my bedside drawer before standing up. I looked in my mirror and took a look at my appearance, after i took a deep breath I put on a fake smile. Putting on a front was something i was used to by now, sure people knew I wasn't okay, what kid would be alright if their mom had died six months ago?

But people never knew the true extent of my grief, my sadness, they saw what i let them saw and nothing else. I grabbed my backpack and my green iPod Nano (5th gen) before leaving my room and walking into the kitchen that was full of chaos like usual. Rosie was complaining about not having any Almond Milk, Dylan was complaining about not having the gluten free waffles while dad was struggling to multitask.

He was in the middle of doing Rosie's hair when the phone rang "will you do that?" He asked my brother referring to Rosie's hair as he walked over to answer the phone. Seeming as Dylan was preoccupied trying to get his breakfast sorted i went up to my little sister "ill do it" i said before doing her hair the way she likes it. "Thanks" she said after i was done, i smiled at her before turning to a bowl of fruit and grabbing an apple.

"Did anyone even say good morning?" My dad asked before picking the phone up , i chuckled "probably not, morning dad" i said, he smiled at me and then turned his attention onto whoever was on the other end of the phone. I took a bite of my apple as Dylan picked up his book from the table , Rosie was petting Leon, our beagle dog. Dad wasn't on the phone for long, not only because he was in a rush but i could tell he wasn't interested in talking to the person.

Once the phone call was ended her turned to face us, Rosie looking up from Leon and staring at him "where's our lunches?" Dad didn't even need to say anything, his facial expressions said it all, i stood up from the chair "ill help you dad" i said as i walked up to the fridge. He put an arm around my shoulder pulling me in for a side hug "thanks sweetie" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. I couldn't help but let a real smile appear on my face, moment's like that were rare lately.


"Look, im the one who gets the email's about your lack of effort man, okay? You either no where the book is or you dont" my dad told my brother as he was sorting our lunches out with one hand all while keeping his eyes on the road. "Dad, it's whatever, I'll know when i get to school" Dylan argues back with his favorite word, "you know what, 'whatever' is the laziest word of the 20th century, all right? Im...ive had it with 'whatever' i dont want to hear it again in this century ever again, 'whatever' is over" my dad argues back at him.

Dylan rolls his eyes, my sister then speaks some truth "he says it all the time, he won't have anything left to say in this century" i let out a laugh before high fiving her, our brother sending us a glare. "Im not letting you out the car till i get a new word, you know, you gotta focus man, if you focused as much on your homework as you do on your art work, you'd have it all, but as it is..." Dad then starts to explain before my brother interrupts him.

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