One hour and a half later

Infp: "No Edwargard! Don't do it!"

"I'm sorry, but I must, for my home and for my family." THE END.

Infp lay in her bed staring at the now dark screen in her hands when she heard the front door open, probably Estj. She didn't think much of it, until she glanced at the paper organizer still lying on her desk, and the note card lying beside it.

Enfp's words rang in her head, 'Don't you want cloooosuuurrre?' Ok well, maybe not exactly those words, but her intentions were loud and clear. It was probably a better idea to just ask her anyways, instead of being confused.

She got up, grabbed the paper organizer—which still held her most recent art project—and stood in front of her door gathering her wits. She opened the door, and Estj was standing right in front of her, practically staring into her soul.

Infp: "GAAHHH!!!" She dropped the paper organizer and nearly fell back onto her desk but caught herself on the bed frame.

Estj looked surprised too, as if she were about to knock the second Infp opened the door.

Estj: "Ar- Are you okay?"

Infp caught her breath as she stood up straight. "It's okay I'm totally fine, but um, uhhhh, what are you doing here?"

Estj: "Oh, well, I, um..." It felt like her brain was stalling, and she didn't know how to stop it. She spotted a colorful looking paper on the ground and picked it up against her better judgement.

Infp: "Wait!"

Estj normally didn't care for things like art, but she was actually stricken by how beautiful this was.

Estj: "Did you make this?"

Infp: "Hehe, yeah, it's not very-"

Estj: "Infp this is amazing."

Infp: "Oh, well, um, thank you.."

Estj: "Is this what you do when you're in your room all day?"

Infp: "Yeah, I mean a little bit." It's now or never Infp.

She picked up the paper organizer off the floor and tried her best to settle her nerves.

Infp: "Did you.. by any chance, give this to me?" She held up the paper organizer for Estj to see.

Estj immediately felt even more uncomfortable than she did before. "Ye-yes, is there a problem with it?"

Infp: "NO NO NO! It's great I really love it, but I guess I'm just kind of a little confused."

Estj: "About what?"

Infp: "Why?" She braced herself for whatever may come.

Estj: "Well, I thought it might benefit you, and um, I thought you'd like it." Her eyes darted around the room.

Infp: "Awwww, that's so sweet of you! I really appreciate that Estj!" It felt as if she had hit a gold mine of hidden emotions and feelings, long buried, but starting to surface ever so slightly, and it was beautiful.

Estj: "um, you're welcome." She started to pull a small paper from her pocket. I might as well, this situation isn't getting any less awkward.

Estj: "I have something to ask you as well, um"

Infp: "Oh? Yeah what is it?" She made an internal promise that she would try to be open to whatever Estj had to say.

Estj: "I have received an invitation to Isfp and Enfj's wedding and.."

Infp knew exactly where this was headed...

"..and I wanted to know if you were interested in filling the roll of my plus one?"

And you know what? She was ready to give it a try. "Yeah, yeah I think I am."

Estj: "Perfect. Here's the date, time, address, and appropriate attire for the evening." She handed Infp a small slip of paper, not as ornate as the wedding invitation she has seen before but much nicer looking than the haphazardly scribbled invitations Enfp sometimes gave her. She stared at it a bit before replying. "Thanks!" She looked a little closer under the appropriate attire headline. "I don't have any of this..."

Estj: "I guess we can arrange a date to acquire appropriate dress for you. Does the 16th at 3:00 pm work for you?"

Infp: "I don't... think I have anything going on that day..."

Estj: "Great, I'll see you then." She walked out of Infp's room and into the living room.

Infp: well I guess we'll see how this plays out...

She then returned to her bed to think about Edwargard and the choices he was making. 

A funny story about the MBTI typesWhere stories live. Discover now