Chapter 2

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Esfj: "Intj? Why don't you tell Enfp what you're doing today?"


Esfj: "Well then I guess I'll have to tell her."


Enfp: "Wait you told her and not me?"

Esfj nodded for Intj to go on.

Intj sighed. "Fine. If you must know, I'm going to the closest building that serves hot beverages and pastries and meeting someone of the opposite gender."

Enfp laughed hysterically at the thought of Intj going on a date.

Intj: "NOW GIMME THAT!" Intj grabbed his phone with a force which might've ripped Enfp's hands off had she not almost dropped it at the sight of his hand swiping towards her.

Esfj: "It's nothing to be ashamed of Intj. It's a beautiful time in life where relationships blossom and- "

Intj: "yada yada growing relationships, blooming flowers. You gave me this schpeel last week when you set me up." He glared at Esfj.

Esfj: "Hey. You never responded to my text. One could only assume it was because you were positively speechless."


Esfj: "some girl at his work that he stalks on facebook."

Intj blushed and gave Esfj a menacing glare that reeked of betrayal.

Enfp: "oouuuhh somebodys got a girlfriend!"

Intj: "NO."

Esfj: "oh, intj it's time for time to go meet the love of your life!"

Intj: "Can you stop babying me for one second?"

Esfj: "I can't help it! Such precious moments. Such a beautiful thing love is. Now go! Go my baby bird! And learn to fly on the wings of love!"

Intj was disgusted at Esfj's "speeches of love" which were more cheesy than a middle schooler's pickup lines.

Enfp: "Good luck on your date!"

Intj sighed as he allowed Esfj to push him out the door.

Enfp was bored again and with her teasing target gone she would have to find someone else to have fun with. Unless..

Enfp: "Hmmmmm"

And then Enfp got an idea. An evil idea. An evil, horrible, awful idea.

Esfj: "Enfp what are you- OH NO NO NO NO NO."

Enfp barged into Istp's room to recruit him for her plan. "WAKE UP WAKE UP THERE'S A FIRE."

This was almost a daily occurrence for Istp. Someone would drag him out of his nice warm bed just to witness a mildly stupid coincidence or funny happenstance. But it wasn't always Enfp. If there wasn't anything stopping them Esfj would drag him to watch a "touching moment" in a show or movie. And Estp would have him watch one of his stupidly dangerous stunts. And he didn't even live here!

Istp: "I'm sure there is."

Huh that usually works with Esfj. Enfp thought

After He was sure she wasn't leaving anytime soon, Istp rolled over in his bed. "What do you want?"

Enfp stared with a grin that said "I have a terribly thought through plan" written all over it.

Istp: "alright I'm in"

This was gonna be good. 

A funny story about the MBTI typesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora