Midnight Rain

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Taehyung turns his head to look at the young ravenette, eyes shining more than the galaxies they are staring up at. He was dazed, enchanted by the beauty that was Jeon Jungkook. His eyes were soft as he stared, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips before snuggling closer— wrapping his arms around his waist, head on his chest.

“Comfortable, are we?” Jungkook teases as he wraps his  arm around the brunette, shifting to properly look at the elder.

Taehyung’s heart jumps in his chest as he watches the look Jungkook was giving him, full of emotion and adoration. He feels an overwhelming emotion taking over him as he stares back, holding his gaze and reaching up to caress his jaw— his fingertips trailing across his skin, sliding easily over the smooth skin.

“Very comfortable.” Taehyung replies in a hushed whisper, a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

As he looks at the ravenette, he thinks that there is one thing he always feels conflicted about —he never knows if he should hate or love how much Jungkook makes him feel; sometimes it feels like his heart is going to jump out of his chest at every glance, every text, and every call. Every time their eyes meet, that overwhelming emotion takes over him and it’s suddenly hard to breathe.

He’s scared.

He’s very scared of what that might be.

“Hyung..” Jungkook breaks the silence first, his voice laced with anxiety and reluctancy.

Taehyung hums in response, the words caught up in his throat at his thoughts.

“Can I take you out tomorrow? For dinner?”

Taehyung’s fingers stop their caressing— his whole body freezing.

“Don’t we always eat dinner together? Why do you sound so nervous?”

Taehyung replies with a hesitant laugh— searching Jungkook’s eyes for what he wants to hear. The brunette’s eyes widened naturally with anticipation, and Jungkook couldn’t help swooning under those eyes.

“No, I mean...” The ravenette trails off, hesitant while the brunette holds his breath, “like a date.”

The most beautiful smile breaks onto the elder’s lips causing the younger’s breath to hitch— trying not to lean in and leave a kiss onto that smile, those soft looking lips. Taehyung nods eagerly, his curls bobbing while he does so while the younger giggles in endearment, pulling him a little closer.

Jungkook decides to take Taehyung on a stroll before the date. Both of them walk slowly, hands tangled together and stuffed in Jungkook’s pocket. It was winter and so the cold air kept caressing the elder’s cheeks— turning them a beautiful rosy colour. Jungkook couldn’t take his eyes off the brunette the whole time which earned him a nudge or two by an embarrassed Taehyung.

The ravenette smiles to himself, pulls the latter closer and leans in to whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Their smiles are glued onto their faces, happiness evident in the way they blush, giggle and pout playfully. They forget they are among other people as well, too immersed in their own bubble. Taehyung feels so happy— too happy.

Jungkook stops walking suddenly, making the elder stop and look back at him, confused. The younger’s eyes are soft as they stare back at the boy, tugging him back closer to stand in front of each other. Taehyung’s hot breath creates a fog as his breathing picks up— watching with anticipating eyes the boy before him takes a step forward, the tip of their shoes touching.

He untangles their hands, reaching up to his own neck and pulling his scarf off to put it around Taehyung’s neck instead— securing it on him and giving him a small smile, his eyelids half open.

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