ROA must have visited earlier.

AU grunted, "Eugh, why would they come again just to give us that?" She asked. "I think it was to tease us," UN said with a frown, "Though we have to work fast, now. The sooner ROA is gone, the sooner everyone will be safe."

Me and AU nodded in agreement. "WHO, I was told you had books to speed up the process of activating the countries' powers?" UN walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a plastic bag, he dropped both the items he had in the bag. "Mhm, I already have the books out. I'll get them from my office," I excused myself and left the room quickly. I have all the books on my personal bookshelf, I just need to get them for training.

I hope those books will work on everyone else, I mean, it worked on Russia. It has to work on the others too. There's a good chance it will work so there is really nothing I should be worrying about. I walked a little faster to get to my office, even if it was only 4:38 AM (04:38), I still felt the need to hurry and get the books.

Perhaps ROA's gift made me feel the need to pick up the pace, the training had been slow.. we might have to push the six countries way more than before. Time was not on our side. It never is.

^ America's POV ^

Screaming is not a normal thing to wake up to. I heard it a while ago but I didn't dare to leave my dorm. I hope it wasn't that serious, I have not heard all the organizations freak out yet so it's not like a killer is in the Great Building right now.

I already took a shower and got dressed for the morning, I had a protein bar and coffee for breakfast as well. I assume Russia would want some coffee when he wakes up so I left some for him. Speaking of Russia, he sleeps like the dead. How did he not hear the scream? He did not even twitch. I had to check his pulse to make sure he was actually alive. I have trouble sleeping for a long amount of time, but Russia could be sound asleep in a fire.

I can't help but notice how me and Russia are like opposites but still have many things in common. I've also noticed how Russia is slowly becoming more open to me every day, hopefully, that's a good sign.

I sighed, I was slightly bored. What if I go on my phone? But the question is, where is my phone exactly? I got up from the couch I was sitting on and started walking to the bedroom. My phone had to be in one of the nightstands, if not, I don't know where else it would be.

Russia is sleeping right now so I should be careful. Even if he sleeps like the dead, I still want to be as quiet as possible. I quietly opened the door and walked to the nightstand on my side of the bed, I opened the nightstand and did not find anything. Just my luck. Maybe it somehow got in the other nightstand? I walked over to Russia's side of the bed and opened the nightstand, the only thing in there was his phone, headphones, and earbuds.

Where the hell is my phone? I literally had it not that long ago. I walked out of the bedroom and decided to search for my phone in the kitchen, I'm usually there in the mornings.

I looked around the kitchen, I had no luck until I saw it on top of the microwave.. how did it get there out of all places? I grabbed it off the microwave and turned it on. Good thing it was not dead. And I do not have a password on my phone since it's annoying to do and easier without it.

I looked through my phone, I had many notifications but I didn't take the time to look at them. I was gonna ask what that scream was in the group chat, I still had to change my nickname in there but it was not urgent so I'll do it later.

America: The hell was that scream this morning?

AU: Me and WHO

America: ???

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