Short(or long) stories (incorrect quotes)

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Since y'all are waiting patiently and gave me 15 followers, I will do short or long stories with Boboiboy and the others. Enjoy!









In pitch black darkness, 7 people, or should I say, elements, opened their eyes. Their appearance looks...different. Almost like a child body. Well, guess what? "IT IS A CHILD BODY!?" One of them yelled with a blue dino hat and a wind thing on it.

Yes, it is a child's body. Something unexpected that they never even have seen in their sad life. Welp, I guess it's time for me to stop narrating this and go to the fun part~

"Who are you guys?" One said with a white dino hat.

"I should be the one asking you that." One said with a yellow dino hat.

"Where are we?" One said with a cyan dino hat and then yawned.

"How am I supposed to know, hah!?" One said with a red dino hat.

"Please calm down." One politely said with a brown dino hat.

"Uh, the blue one just said, 'It is a child body'." One said with a green dino hat.

Everyone took a moment to process what he just said then, "WHAT!?" They all yelled except for two.

So they take a look of themselves and was all shocked (Even Ais but he kept a calm look)

'Does that means...he is no longer my user?' They all thought.

Okay that's the end of that story. On to the next one.


Duri: "Abang Boboiboy!"

Boboiboy: "Yes?"

Duri: "What's 1+1?"

Boboiboy: "Uh, 2?"

Duri: "Okay, thank you!"

He dashed across Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: "That was weird...."

He looked at where Duri ran to.

Blaze: "Okay, that was 10 seconds. If you know the answer then I will not hug Boboiboy to myself"

Duri: "Okay-dookie"

Blaze: "What is 1+1?"

Duri: "2!"

Blaze: ".....fuck.."

Gempa: "LANGUAGE!"


Halilintar: "You're ugly."

Solar: "I'm not a mirror."

Halilintar: "I'm not the reflection."

Solar: "I'm not the sunlight."

Halilintar: "Uh, you are.."

Solar: *shocked sunshine*


                                               Beliung Fanart😊


orry that the picture is blurry but it looks good, right?
Right....? 😅

This is the rest of the elementals reaction:

Halilintar: You're telling me, HE got his tier 3 first!?

Gempa: I'm proud of you!

Duri: woah

Blaze: Not fair....

Ais: Z z z

Solar: h-how?!

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