Chapter 3

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"Hmm.. Fine." "Good let's start searching."
Meanwhile with the elementals
"Why didn't Boboiboy let us go with him?" Thunderstorm said in anger. "Because he don't want anyone else to know that we are split." Quake replied. "But still, how is he going to fight the evil aliens!?" "He can still fight without powers." This got Thunderstorm thinking. "Is the tsundere pikachu worried for someone~" Solar teased. "Shut up, lightbulb!" Thunderstorm turned and blush in embarrassment, as always.

"While Boboiboy is gone, we can play!" Cyclone cheered in joy. Then, he felt a chill going down his spine." "Cyclone, NO. Okay? We'll ruin the spaceship if we play and that will cause mas- Boboiboy trouble." Quake said while still smiling. "Y-yes."

"Well I can't believe you guys ruined my sleep." Ice yawned with a tired look. "You have been always sleeping inside the watch so don't complain." Thunderstorm said with his arm crossed. "Oh and also.." He glared at Solar, who is terrified. "Y-yea.."

"Hey, don't fight now." Thorn said with his cute face and of course everyone can't resist. "Tch." 'Thank you, Thorn.' "Can we just play a little bit?" Blaze asked. "Hmm.. Fine, 40 seconds." "40 seconds!?" The ttm pouted. "You said a little bit and it start... Now!" The ttm quickly play things that they want to play. Or should I say....pranks. Insert evil laugh. Mwah hahahahahaha coughs*

Back with Boboiboy

"Hey, Haily." "Hm, what?" She turned her head to Gopal. ("Do you have some food?") He whispered. ("No.") She whispered back. Gopal look around to find some things. 'Ah Hah! Found something.' He picked up a crystal and was going to turn it to food until Haily stopped him. "Hey! Where did you find that?" She asked. "Ey Uh from the ground?" He answered. "That's a piece of moonbot!"

"Ehhh?!" They all shouted. "Then they must've done something to moonbot!" Ying yelled. "You found it around here, right?" Haily pointed at the spot that Gopal found the crystal. "Yep!" "Then let's go to that direction." Boboiboy suggested. They all agreed and walk to that direction to see a shadow tiger. Everyone except for Haily looked at Fang. "Hey, it wasn't me." He raised both of his hand to show a sign of defeat. The shadow tiger ran away. "T-then, W-who....?" Gopal nervously asked. They heard noises which made Gopal jump on Boboiboy and yelled for his mom.

("Hey, stop yelling and get off of me.") Boboiboy whispered loudly. ("Sorry, sorry ehe.")  Yaya was floating and trying to find what was making the noise. Just then, she saw something huge and creepy behind Boboiboy.

"BOBOIBOY, BEHIND YOU!" she yelled. Boboiboy quickly turned around and dodge its attack. "Eeek! What is that!?" Gopal yelled. "Haily, do you know what's that is?" Ying asked. "No, this creature is probably not from this planet." She replied.

"Wait, what is that on the creature eyes?" Boboiboy questioned as he saw a red spinning pupil on the eye.

This is what the eye looks like.

This is what the eye looks like

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"Huh, good question." Haily said as she looks more closely to the eye. Then, she turned surprised. "Wait, could this be the work of... Hypnobot?" (A powersphera that can hypnotize anyone and anything.)

"Hypnobot?" Gopal was confused. "Ish, Gopal, you should study more!" Ying scolded. "It is a powersphera that can hypnotize!" Gopal let out a Ooh sound. 'Hmmm, a powersphera hunter might be the cause of this and maybe they have both hypnobot and moonbot!' Haily thought. "Let's find moonbot fast, okay?" They all nodded. "MAYBE AFTER WE DEFEAT THAT MONSTER!" Gopal shouted as he run away from it. "Oh, I completely forgot about that." Boboiboy nervously giggle.

The monster grabbed his weapon on its back and swing it to Gopal. "AHHHH COOKIE TRANSFORMATION!" He yelled as he turned the monster weapon to a cookie. The monster was getting mad and picked up all sorts of things on the ground. "Everyone, be ready!" Boboiboy ordered. "Boboiboy Ic-" before he transform, he realize that he can't use his elementals. "Boboiboy! What's taking so long?" Fang looked at Boboiboy with a confused look. "Oh, u-um my watch is still not working." Boboiboy said as he point at his watch. "Jeez, now we have to protect you because of your recklessness." Fang sigh while Boboiboy scratch his non itchy cheeks.

I completely forgot about Ochabot😅

"Ochabot! Can you scan that monster?" Yaya yelled as she smash the things that were thrown at her and her friends. "Okay!" Ochabot obeyed. "It has a hard scale skin which make it hard for us to break unless Boboiboy use his Ice powers but his watch is not working right now!" "And when it hit you, you'll be unable to move for one minute but if it hit you more than one time then you will be unconscious." "Then we really need to protect Boboiboy!" Ying said.

"Slow-mo speed!" Ying yelled before the monster hit Boboiboy. "Mighty punch!" Yaya yelled as she punch the monster on the face. "Shadow fingers!" Fang yelled while he trapped it by his shadow fingers. "Gopal, turn something into 'moonfruit'." Ochabot said. "Eh, moonfruit? Why though?" He asked. "Because the way to be free from the hypnotism you have to eat a rare fruit which is the moonfruit." He answered. Gopal grabbed a leaf that fell out of a tree and turned it into a moonfruit.

"Heh, eat this!" Gopal said as he made the monster eat the moonfruit. The red spinning pupil was gone. "Gopal, I think you need to make a lot more if one of us got hypnotize." "Eh, what about you, Ochabot, can you eat?" Boboiboy asked in worry. "Hmm, I don't really know." He replied.

                              "Oh look what we have here."

I will still post chapters even if you didn't reply to me😢

Sorry that I took so long to post this piece of trash. Hope you enjoyed the story and forgive me😙

Unexpected Guests [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora