Pilot- Chapter 1: A city burns in the night

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Night was near.
By now Ra will be preparing to pass away, taking the sun with him through the twelve doors of the underworld.

The old and almost forgotten village of Kom-el-Nah stood several miles from the glorious Nile.
The village was filled with poor but happy citizens.
Though it was small, it was filled with many happy souls that all lead simple lives.
Their homes were made of mud bricks, wood and reeds from the Nile.
But due to limited supplies the villagers were not able to build temples to honour the Gods that watched over them; so instead, they pray every day and leave offerings outside their doors, hoping the Gods will accept and bless the little village.

The lives of the villages currently involved foraging for food through; fishing, hunting and harvesting what they grew beside the Nile.

Women would spend time cooking, cleaning and looking after their children, while the men spent their mornings gathering food.
With the blissful freedom they had, they were able to fully enjoy their life, and because the village never drew attention to itself; the Pharaohs of both Upper and Lower Egypt didn't seem to know of the existence of the village, and so their existence was overlooked.

Each day was as beautiful and peaceful as the one before, but one evening the lives of the villages would change in such a way they would never have expected.
The night started off as peaceful as any other, but in an instant the peace was broken by fear-filled screams.
Fires were blazing all around the village, and the villagers were running in terror trying to escape the invading strangers.
They wore black garments and it was wrapped all around them, concealing all but their hands and eyes.

Bakura, one of the young boys in the village hid between two huts, and watched in horror as people were forced and pushed out of their doors; they were then dragged away to the village centre.
A sudden movement and he fell out into the open, instantly he was spotted by one of the strangers.
Not waiting another moment he rapidly got up and ran away, as his quickened with haste he could still hear someone coming behind him.

His recklessness caused him to fall harshly onto the ground, causing him to cut his leg, but quickly he pushed himself up once more and began running again until he reached the village centre.

But upon his arrival, he was met with a scene of great horror, there before him stood a burning pyre and in the flames were dozens of burning bodies.
Slowly and fearfully he begins backing away while still fear struck, but he comes to a sudden halt as he feels someone behind him.

Slowly he turns around and sees the same cloaked stranger from earlier.
With great force the stranger grips Bakura by the arms.

"I have you now, commoner!" he viciously says.

With the same brute force he began pushing Bakura towards the pyre.

But before the raging flames could engulf him, he felt a harsh shove; suddenly he found himself on the desert floor, immediately followed by a deathly shriek; rapidly he turned back and saw that the stranger had instead been thrown into the fire, and standing behind him was a middle aged villager.

Suddenly more cloaked strangers appeared and the man urged Bakura to run away, reluctantly the young boy did as he was told, but only after running a few feet away did he hear screams of pain and agony.
Stopping dead in his tracks did he turn and see the violent strangers had thrown his saviour into the fire.

"Father!" he cried.

He had drawn attention to himself, the strangers then began to chase after the young boy.

With great speed Bakura sped away and hid behind a house, and remained deathly silent as the strangers ran by him.

"Great Gods what is happening?" he gasped in fear.

Suddenly he could hear pleas and cries of help, looking around the corner he saw another young boy who had been apprehended by another cloaked figure.

Plucking up his courage Bakura rammed the stranger, causing him to let go of the boy.
But instantly the stranger pulled out a dagger on Bakura and the young boy bravely tried to fight, but the struggle was great and the stranger had slit the side of Bakura' cheek causing him to bleed.

The other young boy quickly picked up a wooden pole and hit the stranger in the back.
He dropped the dagger and went after the young boy, but before he was able to lay a hand on him; he froze instantly, then fell to his knees before lying flat on the ground before him.

Standing there was Bakura, with a blood stained dagger in his hands.

"Y...you saved me..." the young boy stuttered.
"Thank you!" he gratefully added.

Bakura dropped the dagger and stepped slightly back.

"Hello?" the boy said as he walked closer to Bakura.

"I...I killed someone!" Bakura tearfully said.
"But he was a monster, they all came and invaded our home and killed all our friends and families. And I thank you greatly for saving me, my name is Malik, who are you?" he politely aside.

"I...my name is Bakura" he responded.

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