Chapter 7: FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 3 Judgement

Start from the beginning

Wizard Black Noir Schwartz smirked. "Or what? You'll stop me?"

Vulcan charged at Wizard Black Noir Schwartz, his Punching Kong Key in hand. The two clashed, their weapons ringing out through the hideout.

Meanwhile, back at the battlefield, Kamen Rider Anubis's time was running out. He could feel his power fading, but he refused to give up. He pushed himself harder, landing a fierce blow on Tanner's shoulder.

Tanner stumbled back, growling in frustration. "This isn't over, Anubis!" he shouted before teleporting away.

Kamen Rider Anubis stood alone on the battlefield, his form transforming back into a red hooded figure. He was exhausted, but he knew he had to keep going. Tanner was still out there, and Zay was in danger. He had to find a way to stop him and save his friend.

Tanner retreated from the scene, Kamen Rider Vulcan clenched his fists in frustration. "What the hell was that?!" he shouted, cursing under his breath. "Was that some kind of rogue AI?!"

Eva placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. "No, that was Tanner. He's a real person," she explained.

Vulcan turned to look at her, still angry. "What? How can that be? He called Leon 'father'," he said, confusion lacing his voice.

Eva frowned. "I don't know the full story, but apparently Leon was involved in some shady business before he joined AIMS. Tanner must be connected to that somehow," she speculated.

Vulcan's expression hardened. "Then we need to find him and bring him in for questioning. He knows too much about us and our operations," he said firmly.

Eva nodded in agreement. "I'll do some digging and see what I can find out about him," she said, already pulling out her phone to start her search.

Vulcan paced back and forth, his mind racing with questions and frustration. "Damn it, how did we let this happen?" he muttered to himself.
Eva and Vulcan continued their search for Zay, they kept running into dead ends. They tried contacting her on her phone, but there was no answer. Frustrated, Vulcan started to swear under his breath.

Jason  watched from the sidelines as Eva and Vulcan searched for Zay. He couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened, but he knew he had to do something. He approached Eva and handed her another Progrise Key that he had managed to unlock.

"Here," Jason  said, "I managed to unlock another one. Maybe it'll help you find her."

Eva looked at the Progrise Key skeptically, unsure if it would actually be of any use. "Thanks, but how is this going to help us find Zay?" she asked.

Jason  shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it has some kind of tracking ability or something. It's worth a shot."

Eva nodded, understanding Jason 's intentions. "Thanks, Jason . We'll keep looking."

With that, Eva and Vulcan continued their search for Zay, hoping that the newly unlocked Progrise Key would provide some kind of clue as to her whereabouts.

As Eva and Vulcan continued their search for Zay, Leon appeared and tried to speak with them, holding his side in pain. Eva asked him what had happened and if he had seen Zay, but Leon only shook his head and said he didn't know.

Suddenly, Amber appeared, hanging upside down from a nearby building. "Hey, hey, hey! I've got some info for you guys," she said in a sing-song voice. "But I want to know who this Kamen Rider Anubis is first."

Jason , who had been standing nearby, stepped forward and said, "Kamen Rider Anubis? Never heard of him." He knew he had to keep his identity a secret.

Amber frowned. "Come on, don't play dumb with me. I know you guys are hiding something."

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