"Oh yeah, he is. One sec." Sero held his phone away from his ear while asking the Sugar quirk user. A moment later, he came back to the phone. "He said it's not a problem. Just tell him before he's in the middle of something and he shouldn't have a problem."

"Ok. Tell him I'll probably ask him after the beauty pageant since I wanna see Nejire and Itsuka preform."

Sero smirked on the other line before answering. "Don't play ignorant with me. You wanna see your girls in sexy dresses."

"S-Sero!" Izuku blushed with the Tape quirk user laughed at the reaction.

"Alright. I'm heading to bed."

"Ok. Night." He hung up with Tsu sitting on a chair beside him.


"Yeah. Apparently the rope we had for Aoyama to do his glitter ball trick is too worn. We needed a new one and he wanted to see if Momo could make one."

"She could make it before the performance."

"Maybe, but I don't want her to be put on the spot like that. It's not that big of a deal though, I gotta go and get some stuff anyway." Izuku stretched while yawning. "I'm gonna head off. You want me to turn the lights off?"

"I'll shut them off when I go to bed."

"Ok. Don't stay up too long. Night." Izuku kissed Tsu on the lips before heading to his bed. As he did, Tsu started to blush and show a bit of emotion on her face.


Early in the morning, Izuku POV:

I began running as fast as I could down the streets in hopes to find what I needed. Fortunately for me, a hardware store was open for me to get the rope and a convenience to collect what I needed. While I was running, I decided to have an auto play on for videos. There wasn't a list, so it was all random for me to currently listen to some guy that seemed to talk about a villainous act he committed. 'Is this guy into roleplaying or something? No villain would be so bold as to talk about their acts like this.'

As I was in thought, I wasn't paying as much attention to narrowly hit two people in overcoats, hats and what looked like sunglasses. "Careful, young man."

"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention. My fault entirely."

"It's alright. The taste of the Gold Tipped Imperial hasn't left me, so I can forgive you."

As he said the tea Momo gave us a few days ago, I glanced at the place they were walking from to see a weird building. "Wait, so that place was a tea shop all along? Huh, never thought about it. Maybe I should bring Momo here one day as a date. She always enjoyed a nice cup of tea that had refined flavors." I turned to the two people and began asking them a bit about the tea shop. "You wouldn't happen to know about their hours, would you? I don't want to come at a bad time for them."

"Oh, you said you'd like to have an outing with a girl I believe is your girlfriend?" The man asked for me to blush a little.

"Actually, she's my umm...fiance. It's a little weird to say out loud now that I think about it, but it's kinda growing on me. The name, I mean."

"I see. Well your fiance is a lucky woman to have someone who thinks about her likes and dislikes."

He started telling me the times for the shop with his voice confusing me for a minute. It was only then that I pulled back into the video playing in my ear to hear the man talk about invading UA. When he said this, I began putting two and two together with the voice. 'This can't be.'

"Well, if you'll excuse us, we are very busy. Have a nice day, my boy." They started walking away with the fact this was the guy I was listening to who so blatantly said they'd attack UA coming to my mind.

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