Final chapter

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After putting her outfit back on, Tyranny sat at a corner of the building with her arms wrapped around her legs. Tears slowly began to run down her eyes. Then, she started to cry, burying her face into her legs.

"Goddamnit..." She cried. "I'm sorry, Tyler... Goddamnit, I'm really sorry..." She continued to cry until her eyes were bloodshed red. Then, the voices in her head began to say, Cry all you want, but you will always be nothing but a living sex toy.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" Tyranny suddenly screamed, standing up. "I am NOT a fucking sex toy!!"

Face it, slut. The voices in her head said. You've had sex with dozens of men and women, you clearly enjoy it, and you bedded them countless times. You're nothing but a fucking porno alien...

"No! I am not a fucking porno alien!" Tyranny shouted. "Get out of my head, damn you!!"

And, why don't you look at that?? The voices said tauntingly. Having an argument with your damn self. You're truly pathetic. And a bit loony. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Tyranny clenched on her white hair as the echoing laughs filled her head. "Shut the fucking hell up!!!" She shouted angrily while tears rolled down her eyes. She collapsed onto her knees in defeat, repeatedly pounding the floor until her knuckles started to bleed.

Since the rape incident, Tyranny has been suffering from severe trauma. She keeps seeing things, hearing things, and dreaming things. That drove her crazy, doing things she sometimes regrets. And that includes constantly having sex with everyone she sees. It ruined her life. And, she can never undo that rape incident.... Never... Never... Never...........

A minute later, Tyranny wrapped bandages around both her hands and sat back down on the corner. The voices in her head faded away. But, she knew this wouldn't be the last time they'd torment her. She knew they would come back. And, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

I really fucked up, didn't I? She thought to herself, resting her head against the wall. I didn't mean to hurt Tyler... I him. ............Wait, what?! She stood up, realizing what she just thought. him? Jesus Christ..... I...........don't think I've ever felt this way with anyone before. Even with the people I screwed.... Is this why we had sex? Or was I just being selfish.....again? Damn, I really messed up. I gotta find Tyler and fix things with him.

Tyranny ran to the center of the building and opened a large trapdoor with a small set of stairs and walked down into a dimly lit hallway. She ran through it thoughts of Tyler swarming in her mind. I hope he's okay! She thought, extremely worried. Hope those undead fucks don't get to him first.

After running through the hallway, she reached the end. She walked up another set of stairs and found herself outside again. She turned around and saw the zombies from afar. They don't appear to be coming her way much to her surprise. Weird. She thought. Thought they would've heard Tyler by now. Okay. Gotta find him!

She ran around the red deserted landscape, calling out, "Tyler! Tyler! Where are you?" No answer. "Come on, Tyler! I'm sorry! Please come back! I didn't mean to hurt you!" She continued looking and looking, but still no sign of Tyler. She then collapsed onto her knees and covered her face crying. "Please forgive me, Tyler!" She cried out. "I'm sorry for forcing myself onto you! I fucked up!" She cried so much, she didn't notice Tyler watching her from a distance. He then slowly walked towards her. He startled her when he walked up to her.

"Tyler!" She cried out, standing up and hugging Tyler tightly. "Thank god, you're okay!"

"I'm fine..." Tyler sighed sadly. "Physically, I'm fine. But, I'm far from fine on the inside..."

Lost On Mercury (rated NC-17)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon