CHAPTER 3 💚 The Boiling Isles

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It was quiet for a while, the sky above a dark purple with bright flashes of pink and violet over the horizon decorated with glowing white specks known as stars to the inhabitants of the demon realm's boiling isles. The Boiling Isles was a large archipelago consisting of multiple small mostly beach or stone islands with grassy headlands. Cerulean waves crashed against pale gold sand with grey and green stones being dug up from beneath the soft upper layer of sand and swept away by the tides.

Somewhere, looking up at the sky from a coastal alcove carved into the side of a headland there was a titan. A species of giant wolf like entities that harnessed magic in a way slightly different to that of most magical creatures throughout the vast cosmos. Titans were able to grow to an unbelievable size easily being able to tower over even the tallest and most powerful collectors with some of the tallest even being able to substitute for the size of an island or an entire archipelago. Most Titans had a secondary form which they used while the real body rested somewhere else unknown only being uses when a titan requires the use of a high amount of magic.

Roark was the name of this titan, he was one of the taller ones with raven black fur and large spiked brown bat like wings spotted with tan and beige large spots along them. His head had a skull like shape with a light beige tint, he had four horns two on the top of his head which curved up towards eachother in a smooth curve and two below on the side of the jaw curving in a sharp edge downwards. He had bright gold eyes as well with a grey tipped fox tail.

He watched the sky carefully with narrow eyes ready to pick out anything unusual with his hands tucked into the sleeves of his long robe like jacket. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, if there was something out of place he'd find it and stop it before it could cause any more damage to his home. It took a few hours of waiting but something eventually began to start forming from the stars and came crashing down to the planet. It resembled a shooting star with trails of blue and purple fire trailing behind it as it fell.

The star fell past the horizon leaving a bright sparkling flash of blue, green, purple and pink thunder and flame. He spread his wings and jumped up leaving the three titan cubs behind him alone in the cave who had also seen the shooting star.


The magical fire and thunder died down as two figures covered by a glowing galaxy coloured object harbouring new magic that resembled some sort of silk or fabric landed by the side of a specific island which had a large lagoon at its Northern side.

The glowing from the Conserver's scarf also disappeared after a bit and the coil that had formed to protect both him and the Collector as they fell into the gravitational pull of the planet came undone resulting in the scarf returning to a neutral position curling around his shoulder and trailing behind him and the Collector with a slight spin around the smaller of the two. The Conserver looked around in awe at how beautiful this place looked, they were on a beach made of pale gold sand with green and grey sparkling transparent stones scattered around it as well as clear cerulean waves that got darker in the shallow waters to the point it looked more like a dark indigo.

The plants were unusual as well with everything either a light red, vibrant orange or bright yellow. Tall thin trees with thin wide branched loomed over the rich soil holding up the bright red and pink tinted white flowers as yellow grass grew beside them. They were on a small island and from what The Conderver could see most of this planet seeme to be made from small islands scattered around the planet in the form of vast archipelagos.

It was truely beautiful.

He looked away from the plants and back to the Collector who seemed to be more intrested in trying to find a new friend then anything else, he was tapping his foot impatiently with his arms crossed eyes focused on the treeline and what lied beyond the horizon. The Conserver smirked getting an idea he wanted to test. Remember how sometimes the sea would glow blue from algae blossoms of plankton? From what he could see under the darker waves it was a safe bet that something similar could happen here if the flowers he saw growing beneath the water's surface were disturbed.

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