Jude Bellingham - Resting day🌅😴

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Today was one of those days that rarely come at all where I'm chilling in the warmth of my beautiful home that I share with my handsome boyfriend.

Today Jude has been home the whole day since this is the first day of his break after a long and hard season. He just wants to take a chill pill for a few days before he starts going out with friends and our holiday to the UAE we have planned for next week. 

We were in Qatar last year for the World Cup, but we barely got to explore much so we are gonna stop by in Qatar for two days before we head to Dubai for 2 weeks then pass by Birmingham for the rest of the holiday/break. 

"Babe, I've made this apple crumble and pasta, try it." Jude exclaims as Isabella walks into the kitchen with a heavy blanket wrapped around her as she smells some amazing aroma's. "Oh, what do we have here, never thought I would see this day coming?" She says laughing at him.

"Just try it." She jokingly clogs her nose as she moves closer to the dish to tease Jude since he never really cooks. "U-o-U" Oh my dayss..." She says.

"Is it good, bad, terrible?" He utters with a worried look on his face.

"Is this even Jude standing here right now, He for sure would not cook this fantastic meal, I JUST CAN'T GET OVER THIS CRUMBLE...!!!" She exclaims proudly at how good her boyfriend's cooking had gotten. "Ha- I knew you'd like it, I'm a pro at this stuff." 

"Boy, I can guarantee you that's not true but what's true is that I love this crumble and I'm taking the rest of it to my bedroom."

"No fair love, I made it!!!" Jude quickly swooped it into his hands before she could reach for it. She tried jumping around for it but it is no use since she is competing with a 6'1 (186cm) tall man. He ended up giving her a piece and some for him. 

After finishing the scrumptious crumble, Both me and Jude slowly drifted away into a deep sleep in the warmth of each other's hands. His arms were wrapped around my waist as the credits of the movie we were watching kept rolling since it was finished. The cool summer breeze came passing through the window as the sun was beautifully setting. 


I open my eyes after a long and well needed nap. As I turn my head I see my gorgeous girlfriend lying on my chest with a huge blanket around her. I stayed put and ran my fingers through her black thick 4c hair which is one of my favourite features of her. Her beautiful face had sleep marks including her arms showing she's definetly enjoying this. 

It's now around 22:00 and she's still sleeping. I decide to pick her up as it is late and she probably would like to wake up in her bed. Today was one of those days that just make me jump for excitement, knowing I get to have a full resting day. As much as I love football and my passion for it, I also enjoy staying home with Isa and just taking in these moments with her since we both have busy schedules. 

I carefully placed her down and pulled her favourite blanket over her so that she was warm.

I went freshen up in the bathroom and put on a shirt and some pajama pants.

As I stepped into our room I slowly got into our bed making sure I wouldn't wake Isa up. I gave her a quick peck on her forehead. She seemed pretty comfortable and after some time I drifted away into a resting sleep with my hands over her waist.

She started moving around and eventually put her head on my chest with her arms around my neck and we slept in that cuddling position for the rest of the night.


Hope ya'll enjoyed that!!

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