"Yes, we did, that's the first time I saw her." Jamie is rambling, trying to get about telling his parents how we met without telling them, I -by accident (!) - sucker punched him. "But we first got to talking at the party I had for the darling bud's EP realise."

"Didn't you just say you first got to talking at Maggie's show?" his mother - Anne - asks and I feel like face-palming myself - and Jamie. I took a sip of the wine place in front of me, than another. I feel like I'll need it.

"Well - yes - but - eeeeahh" Jamie stutters and then buries his face in his hand, "You tell them Skye, I'm lost. My brain feels fried."

All eyes turn on my and nail me to the spot. Oh, hello there everybody...

"We- wee.. Met at a bar," I say flatly.

"I thought you met on the street." his mother repeats.

"No, I distinctly remember meeting him at a bar. I know because I saw him sulking unhappily in the corner. I drew him, because of it."

"That's adorable," Anne coos and Jamie sighs, taking a rather big gulp of the wine. "So you draw?"

I nodded, swallowing the beef, "mmm, but it's only a hobby, my calling has always been acting. What about you, Sam? What do you do?" he looks up at me in surprise. Spinach hanging half out of his pursed lips. He swallows quickly.

"Me? Ah, I've got two broken legs and a fractured rip, I'm doing some recovering." he says, his face dead serious.

"aahh-dha-ahh.." I stutter

"Sam, you dumb nutter. I don't think that's what Skye asked.." Jamie sighed.

"Oh, soo like what I do when I am not in a wheelchair or in a coma?"

"Yeah, Sam." Jamie then goes back to stuffing his face.

"I knew that." Sam shot, Jamie snorted. His parents smile. "I go to the royal Danish academy of music, I want to work with music my entire life."

"Royal academy? That sounds... fancy." I comment. Royal? that's something alright.

"Yes, Sam is a phenomenal guitarist." Anne coos happily and Sam flushes.

"He's alright." Jamie mutters.

"Ay!" Sam yelps and we all just laugh it off. The rest of the dinner, went... I don't know. I have nothing to compare it to, not really, since my own family is bonkers and the other family I met - Brendon's family - wasn't exactly normal either.

We talk about how Sam is going back to school in a month, how he has arranged for his girlfriend, (some Danish girl, named Freja, which Sam also informs me is the name of the goddess of love in north mythology) to come celebrate New Year's with him. Sam blushed when he talked about her. He was absolutely smitten.

Jamie told me the girl had visited Sam at the hospital every other day, or as much as she could, she too was a student at the music academy. Sam said she played the cello. He had a dreaming look in his eyes whenever he mentioned her. As if he was somewhere else. Come to think of it he probably was.

We talked about Anne's job as a manager and David's work at Gibson guitar, all the while I firmly avoided the subject of my own family.

Then suddenly, the dinner was over and we all got up to clear out. I help putting the dishes in the washer and scrub till everything was shining again. I am grateful. Jamie's family didn't have to house both me and Brad, so it was the least I could do. Carry my own weight. Brad does the same thing, and Jamie dashes around the room playing a silly game with his brother, who yelps in horror every few seconds. He's fine though.

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