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BAILEY LAY WIDE AWAKE, staring at the shadows made with Bill's objects which reflected to the wall from the moon's light as she lay on the floor beside his bed.

Occasionally, she checked the time to see when her dad would be black-out drunk and she would be able to quickly sneak in to get clothes. She has been in the same dirt shirt and shorts for the past two days.

Slowly getting up, making sure the floor didn't creek underneath her feet, the redhead reached for Bill, whispering to him.

"Bill," she shook him a bit, waiting for an answer, and when he didn't respond, she tried again. "Hey, Bill, I'm going to go get something from my house, I'll be back."

Bill rubbed his eyes, looking at Bailey. "Hm? Okay" and before Bailey could say something, he was back to sleep.


Slowly approaching the side of her building, she stopped her bike and started climbing up the stairs making minimal noise.

Eventually, she got inside. First, she checked the living room, her dad was fast asleep with beer cans surrounding him. Just as she suspected.

Quickly, she ran to her bedroom trying her best to take as little time as possible.

Rummaging through her clothes, and other belongings she might need, suddenly heard a scream coming from the bathroom. She quickly walked over, opened the bathroom door and found blood-covered everywhere.

A pool of blood sat in the sink whereas every other thing in the bathroom was covered in redness. Her sister, Bev, sat in a corner, crying as so was she, covered in the same maroon liquid.

"holy shit." bails muttered under her breath, with a confused, yet still partially scared, look on her face.

Beverly sobbed, legs up to her chest barely making a word. Suddenly, a touch which made Bailey shiver down her spine fell on her shoulder.

She flinched at the sight of her dad staring at both Bev and herself with a more confused look than her. "What the hell is going on?" He yelled.

"T-th-the sink," Bev muttered out, as he walked towards the petrified girl. "Th-th-the blood i-its—" she was cut off by their dad interrupting with "What blood?" He looked at the sink, and back at her as if nothing was there.

"What do you mean what blood? It's all over there?" Bails questioned, getting closer to Bev and further from the entry. He was now crouching in front of Bev, ignoring the words that came out of Bailey's mouth. "You're worrying me, Beverly," he whispered, "You're worrying me a lot." but Beverly couldn't get any full words out to reply.

All she could do was stare at him, with a horror that filled her eyes, the same horror Bails was experiencing in those woods.

His hand reached out to Beverly's hair, stroking it aside to her ear "When did you do this to your hair?" he questioned, "it makes you look like a boy." he stared, slowly getting up.

He glanced at Bailey before leaving the door. "and where have you been? I haven't seen you in days." finally acknowledging her existence.

It was sort of like he was saying it in a way a forced way. Like he was glad she wasn't there. Like he had to say it. Not in an actual worried father way. And that was pretty obvious to Bailey.

𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐌𝐄 , 𝐛. 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡Where stories live. Discover now