She became his meter in terms of lyric subjects and what it said about women in general. War of Hormone was passed by her because she saw it for what it was - boys turning into men and their mindset, at the time. 21st Century Girl was a dedication more to her and what she went through in their early days - their love subject in videos, their object of desire when in reality they were all scared of her. Namjoon is her biggest supporter and has key opinions in her solo career.

Jimin & Grace

Her biggest fanboy in the group - solo career has been entirely supported by the maknae line, with Jimin spearheading it. And in return, she's there for all of his. Lie is her favourite song and features her vocals in the background. They are choreography partners - they like to learn together and be next to each other if possible, another one who learnt how to ballroom dance because of her.

A pair of mochi's, both known for their cuteness. She's his sister in the very meaning of the word and his biggest supporter, just like he is hers. Every performance, she'll give him a thumbs up and he knows he's done a good job whether he was at his best or not. In the diet days, she was the one who would pull him out and feed him her homeland meals - Sunday became roast dinner days thanks to Jimin.

Another protector but she's very protective of him - there are many clips of them together at public settings where she's got her arm wrapped around his and holding him close. If Taehyung wasn't Jimin's soulmate, she would be.

Taehyung & Grace

Sometimes known as the weird duo - you'll find them being completely random for no reason. Their personalities match on the most random days and you'll find Grace almost encouraging Taehyung, letting it out of his system before calming him down. They are the pair who always get it wrong when it comes to telepathy in Run BTS because they think outside of the box yet they are completely in tune with one another.

Grace's fashion designer - he's there to make sure her outfits for public appearances are worth it, whether they cover the right spots or not. He's always in favour of her showing the world she's a woman and not your typical 'cutey girl in pink and fluffy things.' She's a woman, she needs to show it off. So its thanks to him that you'll see Grace wearing more mature clothes, a little bit more skin. He's often than not the one behind her tour clothes. He knows what works and he works well with Hobi to pull it off.

Cuddle buddies - you'll find them in the corner of the screen, fast asleep, leaning on each other. Taehyung is a koala at the best of times and she adores it, though it will get tiring especially during the summer. Will always refer to her as Noona or Chu, sometimes is mix of the two though god knows how he does it. Always wants her baking.

Jungkook & Grace

Mother and son - there's no denying it at this point. His Noona or secretly, Mum. Though in the beginning, they didn't really speak to each other because of how shy they both were - she was seven years his senior and he was only a teen. But slowly, they began to talk to each other and after a deep conversation, they were inseparable.

ARMY often jokes about who brought Jungkook up and though it's agreed Seokjin and Yoongi had a hand in it, it's Grace who gets the credit. She's his comfort zone, his safety zone and one who is always at his side. Feeling up or down, she's there every single time. During high school then university, she was the one who got him up on time, got him to eat and then homework. They both agreed they would dedicate an hour a day for each other to do an activity together - mostly it's sleeping or gaming but they're together.

Her biggest advocate for more lines and centre positions - she has the skill and the voice so why doesn't anyone see it? It wasn't until Wings that it finally started to happen and Jungkook had the biggest 'told you so moment' when Blood, Sweat and Tears views went so high because of Grace being in the centre and 'main villain' in the story.

ARMY & Grace

She's their biggest supporter and their her biggest fanbase. Don't mess with them when Grace is involved - you'll find yourself under scrutiny for even saying her name wrong. She's Korea's Noona, she's also ARMY's Noona or Unnie. More often than not she does lives where she gives advice and support, in Korean and English.

She does lives one day in Korean, the other day in English for international fans.

When she had her solo performances, they were the loudest in the room. Her first mixtape broke records, her videos broke records - thanks to ARMY and their reactions. They had been hesitant of a female in the male group but once she proved she was there as ARMY's point of view, they were behind her all the way.

If she's in someone else's video or her solo performance, she always wears some kind of purple for ARMY and for Bangtan. She's theirs. 

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