12 : Memories.

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OKAYY SORRYYY FOR THE SLOWW UPDATEEE, my energy has been drained alot lately, and i felt like i can’t even be active in sorts of things. yes, including mentality, social, much more. but that’s okay, i’ll try to fight it! enjoy yaaa hazeeq dean's lover 🤍.

“Excuse me, I need to go inside and get some rests.” although it was morning, I just felt like I needed to leave both of them alone. I walked away from there as they excused me.

Amir’s POV.

“So, I see you and Y/N had gotten close to eachother, are you in a good terms with her?” I asked as I sat down infront of him.

“Well, lately I felt at my ease when I’m with her, I don’t know what’s gotten into me, aku rasa macam, bila aku dengan dia, semuanya jadi tenang, tak rushing, relaks ja.”

“Yeke? Well, aku rasa pun macam tu. Aku tengok kau dengan dia, makin lama makin rapat! And that’s a great thing, cause both of you are accepting eachother yaa.”

“I wish I could say the same, but aku tak boleh accept the fact that I treated her like shit before and, she still accepts me.”

“Past is the past, learn how to let go of it. Now she’s with the new version of you, so treat her better than before! Nothing’s too late for you to fix.”

“Amir, I wondered if..You all had other plans this night?”

“Well, we all planned to go on a shopping spree, wanna join?”

“Aku join, if Y/N ikut.”

“Dia ikut, jangan risau.”

End of Amir’s POV.

I took a glance at my phone, knowing that Hazeeq texted me. I didn’t want to check what message did he sent to me, I decided to ignore it.

I washed my face to feel fresh, and walked downstairs to see that the boys weren’t there.

“Mana yang lain?”

“They went to get campings setup, Hazeeq tak bagitahu kau ke? I’m guessing he did, but you didn’t check your phone right?”

I nodded and I took out my phone to check the message that Hazeeq sent.

“Don’t worry ya? Aku, Amir, Mierul, Nadhir keluar kejap, ambil barang. Nanti, siap siap okay? Kita semua keluar beli barang, Byebye dear.” -Hazeeq.

I widened my eyes and rubbed it, to see what he sent to me was really right and wasn’t just a mistake. He called me “DEAR”???? WHAT???

“Well, dah check kan? So why not kau pergi mandi, and siap awal awal? Aku dengan Aulia tunggu.”

Well, I did what I was told to. I got dressed and waited for them to comeback home.

When they arrived, we all quickly got going to our destination.

“Lama lagi ke nak sampai?” -Nadhir
“Well, tak lama pun. Cuma harini kan hari cuti, so traffic jem.” -Hazeeq
“Comel jela aku tengok kau dengan Y/N, bila nak official?” -Mierul
“Tu laaa! I setuju gila dengan apa Mierul cakap, or ‘Statement’ is what you call it.” -Daiyan
“Emmm, so makan luar ke harini?” -Hazeeq
“Yup, kita makan luar harini! Soooo, I have an idea or suggestion where we’re supposed to eat. I heard they have a really beautiful scenery.” -Amir
“Uuuuu, dekat mana tu Amir?” -Aulia
“It’s near a beach, I’ll tell Hazeeq the location, it’s a secret for you all though hihi.” -Amir
“Unfairnyaaa” -Nadhir,Daiyan,Mierul,Y/N.

When we reached at our destination, we all got going to what we’re supposed to buy. Hazeeq and I only followed them as if we were their parents.

“Banyak gila korang beli, ni nak pergi camping ke pergi bercuti luar negara?” -Hazeeq

“Ish kau ni, mana ada banyak! Sikit je tuuuu.” -Daiyan

“Mungkin kuantiti sikit, tapi harga?” Hazeeq

“Do you want me to pay 50% of it?” -Y/N

“No need dear, I got my own money.” -Hazeeq

They all looked at me with smirks and evil intentions inside of them and faces. I sighed and walked away from there, then started heading to the car.

I got in, and so did they.

“Kenapa tak tunggu saya buka kan pintu tu untuk awak masuk?” -Hazeeq

“It’s alright, I’m quite hungry right now. Kita gerak jela eh?” -Y/N


I know lately I’ve been not looking too good, I’m just tired, and I don’t think everyone understands that.


“Okay, soooo who’s gonna sleep beside who?” -Amir
“Aku tidur sebelah Y/N eh?” -Hazeeq
“Eh- tak perlula sampai macamtuu.” -Y/N
“Aku faham, dia cuma nak jalankan duty dia sebelum jadi husband kauuu HAHAHAHA” -Mierul

Here we go again, their jokes and tease. I don’t know whether I should be happy or embarrassed. But I’m proud of having friends like them, without them, I’d be in sadness and in the dark..

“Jum tangkap gambar nak? Polaroid pictures!” -Daiyan

We all agreed and, we did take some polaroid pictures. It was fun, and memorable for me, because I’ve never had fun in my life like this before.

“Fineeee, do as what you likeee.” -Hazeeq & Y/N

They captured Hazeeq’s and I pictures so much..It was so fun, spending time with them..Like this, I wish this would all stay forever.

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