4 ; Should I?

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The food’s arrived but I didn’t eat it at all, I had no appetite. I didn’t want to even look at it. The doorbell rang, and I opened the door to see it was Amir, Mierul, Daiyan and Aulia. I opened the gate and welcomed them in.

“Have you eaten the food I got for you yet Y/N?” Amir asked, I shaked my head. “You should eat more, or else you’ll be sick.” Aulia said, I know..But I can’t even eat, or swallow the food. I just can’t.

“It’s okay, atleast drink some water alright?” said Amir, as he pats my head. I nodded, he understands me so much.

“Where’s Nadhir? He’s usually with you Daiyan.” I asked her, “Well, he had some businessess to catch up with..Not gonna lie, It’s kinda boring without him.” she replied.

“What does that mean? It means you like him, Daiyannnnn, just admit ittt.” Mierul teased her, I saw Mierul’s arm and Aulia’s arm had a matching bracelet.

“Did someone got into a relationship without us knowing?” I asked, looking at both of them. Mierul and Aulia, and both of them got embarrassed as Daiyan and I teasingly laugh.

Amir was too quiet, “Amir are you okay?” Mierul asked going to his direction. “Yeah, I’m alright. Sorry.” he said, I knew he wasn’t but I didn’t want to bother him much since there was 5 of us here, including me.

“Well, we’ve decided that we won’t be talking to Hazeeq for the rest of the week, as long as he doesn’t fix the problem between you and him, we won’t talk to him.” said Aulia.. I didn’t want him to be hurt.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to. It’s my fault eitherway, you don’t have to that to him, he doesn’t deserve this.”, I answered

“You do too.” Amir said. All of them agreed to Amir’s statement, and I went silent.

“I know it’s hard to let go, but don’t hurt yourself just to see him happy with someone who doesn’t love him Y/N. It’s not worth it to be hurt by someone who doesn’t even love you, Amir’s there for you, don’t bug about Hazeeq much.” Daiyan said.

“I know you crave for his love, your father passed away, and so is your only older brother too. But please, don’t find love in someone’s who doesn’t even return you the same energy. Find someone more better, who can actually treat you more better than Amir did.” Aulia replied.

I knew they were trying to help, but I couldn’t accept the fact that he tried to hit me. Whether I like it or not, I have to accept the fate, that we weren’t meant together.

Yes, Cinta, Sayang, Suka itu lain. But for me, I cintakan dia, so how can I accept that we weren't for eachother? I tak boleh lepaskan dia. I nak dia.

“Daripada kau asyik fikirkan pasal dia, jum kita keluar melepak?” Mierul said, we all agreed and i went to get ready, because they've already gotten ready.

“Can I drive your car Y/N?” Mierul asked, I nodded and handed him the keys, we all got in the car and were on our way to pavilion.

After we’ve arrived, I saw someone that looked familiar, was it Hazeeq? Nono, it can’t be him. I ignored the feeling and walked beside Amir, they all went in and explored the mall.

Amir and I stopped by llao llao, he went to buy 1 for me and him. I waited at llao llao's ready seated. I turned around looking at places, because I’ve never been here. As soon as I turned my head right, I saw Hazeeq. It was him, it wasn’t my imaginations.

I looked back to see Amir was on his way to me, handing me the llao llao. I decided to eat it because I didn’t want to bother myself.

“Y/N? okay tak ni? kenapa macam nak cepat je?” Amir asked, I shaked my head. “Nothing, can we walk as we eat? I don’t want to si-”

“Amir. Amir Ahnaf.” Guess who was it? HAZEEQ DEAN.

“What is it Hazeeq?” he avoided eye contact between him and Hazeeq. “What did you tell the others?” He asked, Amir looked at me who was looking a little downwards on the right, avoiding to see Hazeeq.

“Can we talk about this privately? We're in public, Hazeeq.” said Amir, he knew I was scared, embarrassed.

“No, we can discuss it right here, and now, we’ll talk about it gently.” he said as he sits down.

“Alright, if you insist. Back to your question, appearantly, I haven’t told them anything. I’m always around Y/N, not them and you know that.” Amir answered, Hazeeq wasn’t convinced.

The others arrived and Aulia got angry that Hazeeq was there. “What do you want now jerk?! Get away from them!” she said, Hazeeq was shocked, words like come out from her mouth?

“Leave Hazeeq, you’re not welcome here after what you’ve done.” Nadhir interferes. I knew this wasn’t going to end well, “We can discuss it together, gently and slowly please. Don’t make such a fuss at public and open places like this.” I said.

“Let’s discuss about this, at your home.” said Daiyan, I agreed and the others did too.


"Okay, now tell me what’s your problem Hazeeq Dean.” Daiyan asked, “Why are you all avoiding me? What have I done wrong?” he asked.

(I'll just do this into a conversation hehe)

Fakhri : Acting dumb, aren’t you?
Nadhir : You know what you’ve done, your actions have consequences.
Aulia : Hazeeq, you know how much Y/N likes you, and you couldn’t see it while others can. Is it that hard for you to accept Y/N?
Hazeeq : Yes, it’s hard for me to accept her, because the one that I love is you. NOT HER.
Daiyan : Woahh, don’t raise your voice. Know your place, Aulia isn’t interested in you at all, she doesn’t even like you.
Hazeeq : But she has been treating me as if she likes me Daiyan Trisha.
Daiyan : That’s because Y/N told her to, she wants to see you happy, not like her living a miserable life!
Amir : Chill, jangan lah macamni Zeeq, you’re better than that. Y/N wanted the best for you, and she tried everything to make you look at her. Cuma, kau avoided her Zeeq. What else can she do?
Hazeeq : Maybe never appear in my life?
Hazeeq : Betullah sial, kalau dia tak muncul dalam hidup aku, Aulia akan suka aku, NOT you.
Amir : Zeeq, belajar terima kenyataan. Without Aulia, you can also be happy with Y/N kan? apa susahnya, tiap ii hari dia bagi kau hadiah macam ii, without you asking. So susah ke kalau kau cuba mulakan buku baru dengan Y/N?
Hazeeq : YES! SUSAH! Because she’s not my type Amir, tolonglah. Just don’t force me, I only see her as a friend.
Daiyan : So you should understand Aulia’s situation too, you aren’t her type and you’re just her friend.
Hazeeq : Fine.
Amir : So we’re good? :)
Hazeeq : I guess.

All of them calmed down, and Amir went upstairs just to see me unconsciously laying on the floor. “WEH, Y/N!!”

Everyone ran upstairs hurriedly..

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