10 ; Sleepover.

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I had so much fun with Hazeeq and Amir. I enjoyed the rest of the night, and it was already time to head home.

“You know, I kept feeling a like third wheeler, because Y/N and Hazeeq were spending time together, feeding eachother, teasing eachother too.” said Amir to the others, I felt sleepy..

“Awww, isn’t that cute for a incoming new couple?” teased Nadhir, everyone laughed. I fell asleep on our way back home.

Hazeeq's POV

I saw Y/N had already fallen asleep, I took my jacket that’s on my lap and put it on her, so she won’t feel cold. I focused on driving as they were teasing me about Y/N and me being a cute couple..

I wish I had the guts to fall in love again, but I can’t. Not after I’ve spent all of my efforts onto someone that’s not in love with me. She’s a sweet girl really, I’m just not really sure that I can treat her better.

“So, when are you confessing Hazeeq? I look at you and Y/N are getting closer day by day.” asked Amir, who is really curious like the others that were listening to our conversation.

“I’m not sure, Amir. After what I’ve done? It’s not easy for to me accept that she still waited for me and likes me until now.” I replied..

“She’s really a forgiving person. You do know she had lost everything that’s valuable to her. She’s relying on you and me, us to treat her better, I know you can be a good boyfriend for her. I can see it, and I have no regrets letting you take care of her.” Amir said, which made me stunned for a moment but..Maybe he was right, if I don’t try, how would I know?

“C’mon Hazeeq, love can’t wait, so do us all, we can’t wait to see you both together. It’s a waste to let Y/N go.” Mierul convinced, I didn’t know whether to listen, to let my intrusive thoughts win.

I wish loving and taking care of her is one of my responsibility, but it’s hard for me to be responsible of that all. After what I’ve done to her, all those traumatizing moments to her..I can’t face her for that. I’m afraid, I might do it again.

We arrived and all of us got out, while I had to carry bridal style Y/N. “Takpe, pergi jela jaga dia. Kitorang tidur bawah, jangan risau, tapi kalau kau nak tidur bawah juga, bawak la Y/N tidur bawak sekali.” Nadhir said, I nodded and Daiyan placed a soft blanket and I laid her down on it.

I grabbed her penguin pillow and other soft pillows to put under her head and beside her. I fall asleep next to her, that is onto her side pillow.

End Of Hazeeq’s POV

“This is cuteee.. Let me take a picture” Daiyan took a picture of us sleeping together and posted to the group, with a caption saying “Our monthly cute couple.”

The next morning, I woke up and saw everyone had started eating. I only got my body up since my legs felt heavy, I got up to see it was Hazeeq who was laying on my laps.

“Comellnyaaaa husbandd and wifeeyy kitaaa heheee” teased Aulia, I giggled and played with Hazeeq’s hair as I grab my phone to check my notifications.

I opened the group to see yesterday’s photo that Daiyan took, and smiled to myself. Everyone was laughing cheerfully at the dining table, having breakfast together.

“Nanti picnic nak tak? bosanla stay rumah, or lepak pantai keeee? have a fun day at the swimming pool behind this house?” Daiyan asked, everyone agreed including me.

“ehmmm..kenapa senyum sesorang tengok fon tuu hmm..Ada apaa..?” Hazeeq woke up not wanting to get up and wants to see what am I smiling at.

I showed him the picture and he rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing it right and giggled to himself. “Korang ni memang siallah”

“Uii, bangunle kau dahla tido dekat peha Y/N, dasar tak malu.” teased Amir who was laughing at Hazeeq, as if Hazeeq was my little brother who wants to be spoiled 24Hours.

Hazeeq quickly got up and apologized for sleeping on my laps, “It’s okay, I okay je” I replied.

“Pftt, bapak selekehnya hairstyle kau Zeeq, macam harimau” Nadhir mocked Hazeeq, “eh sebelumni rambut aku ok je” he replied

“Memangla, tu sebelum Y/N main rambut kau, ha tu la nyenyak sangat tido dekat peha bini, sampai tak sedar” Mierul said, he glanced at Mierul and rolls his eyes over.

“Ihh, pergi mandi la korang, bau kepam!” teased Aulia, the others laughed at us and I quickly went to have my shower.

Hazeeq’s POV.
“aduhh, serabut aa” I said, and everyone was looking at me curiously. “Korang kejut aku kenapaa, baru nak tidur nyenyak. Aduhhh” I said while laying back onto the pillow.

“amboii kauu, semalam tidur sebelah dia, lepastu dekat peha dia, banyakk cantik muka kauu eeehh. lebih lebih takde, jadi officially girlfriend and boyfriend dulu, or even better kahwin. baru aku benarkan” said Amir, well I couldn’t deny.

Getting married is better, but does she want to get married with me? I’m curious.


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