CH 9 : In This Life, The Greatest Star In The Universe

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I could find it right away. Wooju was clasping the finish version in his hand like a baby.

I was worried that he would wake up, but now I was curious as a musician. I took the piece of paper out of his grasp.

'Let's see.'

The sound of flipping the sheets of paper echoed against the background of a steady breathing. I stopped like a statue and scanned the paper until the ice in the Americano completely melted.

Then I smiled.

'Look at this.'

Cho Kyuhwan's eyes, who was looking at the sleeping young man, shone a pleasant light.

* * *

I had a dream. (Back onto Wooju's POV)

I was on my way to Pyongyang on a tour bus to have a pork belly party with pigs and also dreamt that the driver had suddenly let go of the steering wheel.

I pointed at the wheel in surprise in my dream.

"Oh, driver! The steering wheel-"

"From now on, I'll take you safely to your destination."

Then suddenly, EDM music began to flow out.

Swish swish.

The bus shook as the driver and pigs cheered and danced. I screamed in the face of a situation where I was about to fall.

"Euuuu woahhhhhh. . !!"

I woke up with a cold sweat and found myself in the practice room.

"Oh, my. . ."

Isn't that completely a silly dream.

The stress I received yesterday seemed to be greater than I thought. After struggling from the aftermath of my dream for a long time, I felt my hands empty.

What. . ?!

Where did it go?

When I stood up to find the music sheet I had written, something that had been covering my body slid down gently.

A cashmere coat.

At first glance, it was a coat that looked like several hundreds of dollar.

"What else even is this?"

No wonder I slept pretty hot. While confused by the mystery of the unidentified coat and the missing paper, a timely message came.

The sender was director Cho Kyuhwan.

- When you wake up, go to the recording studio on the 2nd floor.

- PS. Bring my coat too.

"The director took it."

Mumbling like a sleep talker, I ruffled my disheveled hair away.

Then I carefully picked up the expensive coat. It was a moment when I realize and could have guess how burdensome Shin Sukju must have been when King Sejong covered him with his royal robe. (If you wanna understand what this sentence means, press the comment section for this sentence for more info)

Why are you calling me for me anyway?

* * *

The second floor of LEMON ENTERTAINMENT was filled with recording rooms and complex equipment. This seemed to be a workspace.

It didn't take long to find the recording studio that director Cho spoke of.


As soon as I went up, the light for "ON AIR" was turned on.

In This Life, The Greatest Star In The UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now