️♛️ Chapter Twelve ♛

Start from the beginning

"Anyways," Kiki wanted to move away from this subject onto a slightly different one that may or may not have been controversial. "I was thinking, um, maybe could I uh, try to run for prom queen too? Just as an experiment, maybe?" She hesitantly asked, playing with her fingers.

"Oh sweet Kiki," Sabrina stood up and walked over to Kiki, placing her hands on her shoulders. "You can, but you know how big being prom queen is to my family! I have to win no matter what, and if you run -" She paused for a moment and smiled politely. "You know I can't disappoint my parents. You wouldn't want that for me, would you?"

Kiki wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. "I-I know it's important to you. Just-just forget I said anything, it's silly anyways." She wiggled her shoulders out of Sabrina's hands. "I spoke out of turn. Let my thoughts be vocalized. Sorry."

Sabrina sympathetically looked at Kiki, patting her head. "It's fine. I'll let you wear the crown and take a few pictures if you want." She continued to smile and pivoted on her heels. "Besides, I didn't think you'd be interested in prom other than for the food."

Kiki turned her back towards Sabrina and Lacy, her fingers picking up nail polish and faking looking at them. "I wasn't. I just thought it'd be fun." She lied, trying to mask her hurt in a nonchalant tone. "But now that I think about it, for me, it doesn't sound like my style."

Lacy decided to move on to a different person to talk about. "Do you think little Miss Stephoné will run for prom queen? Since Ariana is planning the whole shindig and they're BFFs, it's the only reason she'd goat her into running." She asked, waving her nails around in the air.

Sabrina thought about it for a moment. "Even if she is, I doubt she'll win. She's too anxiety-ridden to do anything of the sort. Even with this new way of running, I can still win. I know how to please the people and can sway anyone with my words!"

Lacy picked up her phone and pulled up the website Ariana had created. "So, since we've already created an account for Sabrina as the White Queen - which I said we should have gone with the Red Queen since that's like your signature color, but anyways - we have these questions to answer." She said, showing the question to Sabrina. "Sheesh. These are some deep questions."

Sabrina put her hand on the phone and pushed it away. "We have until next Friday. I can make up replies on the spot. Let's not think about any of that and just focus on having a fun sleepover! Nancy is preparing us snacks and special drinks for whatever movie gets picked."

Kiki perked up when the word movie was mentioned. She had a million titles running through her head. "Can I pick the movie, please?" She asked, lacing her fingers together and smiling sweetly at her two friends.

Sabrina was pleased Kiki had moved onto a different subject. "Sure, just pick anything you like, just no horror, can't stand the blood and guts." She cringed at the thought and didn't understand how anyone liked that stuff.

Kiki smiled brightly, throwing up the peace sign with her index and middle finger. "I don't like horror either, unless it's horror games, but with just jump scares and foreboding music and atmospheres!" She exclaimed, walking out of the room, down the stairs, and into the living room to browse the streaming service Sabrina had.

Lacy watched Kiki leave the room and called out something else. "And no thrillers or crime ones either." She said and once she knew she was down the stairs she turned to Sabrina. "How did we become friends with her again?" She asked, knowing full well it was a rhetorical snarky comment.

Sabrina twisted the cap off her clear top coat and applied it to her nails. "We're all rich, remember? We met her at her parents' soirée." She replied, just as snarky as Lacy had spoken to her. "Or out of obligation. Can't remember."

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