POV: You're in a class with a pathological liar

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"Oh my god Lila! Are you best friends with MDC?" Rose asks excitedly. I roll my eyes as Lila comes up with another lie about MDC. Three guesses about who MDC is.

Marinette Dupain Cheng. MDC

And yet Lila is claiming MDC is a boy.

"Yes! He and I have been best friends since we were kids. We even dated! Oops! I shouldn't have said anything."

3, 2, 1. Lila broke out alligator tears. All of her sheep swarm her, comforting the liar. I roll my eyes AGAIN. This girl was going to be the end of me, I swear. I am ready to rip her sausage hair wig off her head when Miss Bustier walks in the room. 

"Good morning class!" She says. 

"Good morning Miss Bustier!" Everyone replies.


Time skip to lunch be ready for Alya salt and Adrien MEGA salt and shade, also some Chloe sugar


I usually sit by myself or with Chloe. I have become more of a bookworm, so I generally bring a book to read. It's a hazard with the Sheep and Mr Take-The-High-Road around. I have had enough bad experiences where the sheep have torn up sketchbooks with commissions, library books, my books, and even projects for classes I've been working on. 


I grab my lunch before heading out into the courtyard. I don't like to eat in the cafeteria anymore. It just doesn't feel safe for me. 

"Mari-bug! Wait for me!" Chloe calls. She has two books under her arm and her lunch tray in her hand. 


Now, I know what you're thinking. DIdn't Chloe bully me? Well, after Lila started making up more and more lies about me, Chloe stood up for me. She apologised for everything that she had done to me and we became close friends. 

A few of my other classmates have apologised, like Nino. Nino broke up with Alya because she was siding with the liar. He's like a brother to me. Same with Juleka. Juleka and Rose were dating, but when Rose started to believe every word Lila said, Juleka came to her senses and broke up with Rose. 

Luka and Kagami are also on my side. They both are in different classes so we have different schedules. 


Chloe and I sit together on one of the undercover benches. We chat about books, about the class, about everything.

"MARINETTE! GET HERE NOW! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU!" A voice yells. Three guesses who. Alya storms over with a look of absolute fury on her face and steam pouring out her ears, Lila wiping 'tears' off her face and smirking at me behind her. 

"What is it, Cesaire? Can't you see I'm busy?" I tell her.

"You seriously had to threaten Lila in the bathroom?" She yells. 

"Um, one. I have been sitting here with Chloe the entire time. Two, I haven't gotten up once and three, your breath stinks." I explain. Alya looks even more furious than she did before. 

"A likely story! You are such a bully Marinette! Adrien will never take you to the dance! He would never take an ugly bully like you!" Alya says in the harshest tone she could manage. A fresh wave of grief floods me. I feel the tears building up, but I'm determined not to cry in front of Lila and Alya. 

"I'm sorry, Alya! I shouldn't have gotten in the way of your friendship!" Lila whimpers.

"No, no. It's ok Lila. I can't believe I was once friends with her. I'm thankful I know my TRUE friends, like you!" Alya crooned. They both left laughing. 

"Mari-bug?" Chloe asks. "You okay?" I just nod weakly. 

"I'm just going to get some water, okay?" I tell her. She nods before going back to her book. As I walk into the locker room, I'm cornered by Adrien. 

⚠Trigger Warning - contains forceful actions such as kissing and some violence⚠

"Hey, princess," Adrien announces as he pushes me into the corner.

"I'm not your princess, get off me Agreste," I respond harshly as I try to push him away. 

"Oh, no. That's not how you should behave, princess. Now, what have I told you about taking the high road? Lila's lies aren't hurting anyone." He tells me before forcefully pressing his mouth to mine. I try and push him away, but he's larger than me and stronger. I managed to punch him in the nose and slip away before he hits me in the head. I get to the door, very unsteady from the hit. 

"STAY AWAY FROM ME, AGRESTE!" I yell before leaving.

⚠End of trigger warning⚠

I run out into the courtyard, my vision slightly blurry, bumping into Chloe. 

"Mari? Are you ok? You seem a bit frazzled." Chloe asks. 

"Adrien... princess... kiss... forced... me..." I manage to get out. Chloe easily interprets what I'm saying and has a look of thunder on her face. 

"Lucky your aunt managed to forc- I mean, convince Mr Damocles to install security cameras! Agreste will never get away with it." Chloe growled. I 

"Chlo, I feel dizzy." I tell her. The world is spinning and I can see two of Chloe.

"MARI?" I hear Chloe say before I black out.

Thats the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

- Eevee

(for anyone wondering, this is 859 words long, excluding this little end bit)

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