Yep, I'm overworked.

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Hi. I'm Marinette, though everyone calls me Cindy. Why, you might ask? Well, as a kid, everyone told me I was just like Cinderella, beautiful and kind. So the nickname just stuck. Now it makes even more sense.

Let me explain. I am just like Cinderella. Overworked by people who hate her and are using her. Who's my evil stepmother and sisters? Well, playing the role of the evil stepmother is Lila Rossi, an ugly brat with sausages for hai- I mean, a wonderful girl who I "bullied". All it would take for her lies to be exposed is a google search.

The roles of stepsister #1 is played by Alya Cesaire. She is Lila's little head honcho. Every time Lila breaks out the crocodile tears, I will suffer for it. They punish me without even hearing my side of the story. She forces me to give them all things for free, make them things, and won't even pay me. She calls herself a reporter, but she hasn't even fact checked. 

Stepsister, or should I say brother #2 is played by Adrien Agreste. He is the son of famous model Gabriel Agreste. It began as him being my forced crush. All my friends cared about was matching me up with him. I'll admit, I did like him, he was kind and cute. But that all stopped when he told me to "take the highroad" and "Her lies aren't hurting anyone". Yeah, right. That when I knew he wasn't the right guy. I quickly lost feelings for him and moved on. He, unfortunately, became obsessed with making me his "princess", through harassment. 

3 years this has been going on. 

Anyway, onto my story. 


I run to school, late by a few minutes, as always. Stupid alarm never goes off. I quickly get up the stairs and enter class as quietly as I can.

"Marinette! Care to explain why you're late?" Miss Bustier asks, turning away from the board to face me. I hear a few snickers and saw a few glares, mostly from Lila's sheep. 

"I'm sorry Miss, I stayed up all night working on things for my classmates," I tell her, and it wasn't a lie. "I only got a few hours sleep, and my alarm didn't go off." 

"That is a very kind thing to do Marinette, I'll let you off this time." Miss Bustier tells me. "Now take a seat." I thank her before going to my seat at the back of the room. 

"Did you really stay up all night, Maribug?" Chloe whispers. I nod as I took out my books and sketchpad. Miss Bustier knows I've learned all this, between making stuff for the liar and her sheep, and being Ladybug, or as I like to call it, extra curricular activities, I don't have anytime for schoolwork. So, a few years ago, Miss Bustier set me up with an online learning program so I could learn everything I needed to know. 


Why did Miss Bustier help me? Most think she is a teacher who favours liars. Well, she is actually my Aunt on my dad's side. She knows all about Lila and is helping me expose her. She putting on an act to help expose Lila for the liar she really is. 

This might sound creepy, but she forced Mr Damocles to set up cameras throughout the whole school! Instead of spending it on his stupid Owl obsession, he used the ACTUAL budget to buy cameras to set up in the school.

Thank god, because Mr Damocles is a terrible principal. 

Mrs Medeleiev is even in on it as well. She's only in it for revenge though. She HATES Lila because she always disrupts her lessons, then comes up with a lie to cover the fact she is disruptive and can't do work because she's lazy. 

Wait until she finds out what's coming for her...


Hope you enjoyed the first installment! 

I've thought of making Mari a bit more of a theatre kid as well as a fashion designer. I feel like it fits her character really well.

See you next time! 

-Eevee xx

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