The Spot

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Oh my goodness, he remembers me. How? It's been weeks.

"I did enjoy my hot chocolate, thank you very much." I answered, scathingly. Already knowing we are not going to get along. "Did you enjoy yours?"

"Well, since you didn't ruin it with your germs all over my lid, I would say yes." He replied back, loftily.

I rolled my eyes and looked up to tell him off, only to see the corner of his lips turned up into a smirk. I closed my mouth and shook my head. "You're mean."

He shrugged, "So I've been told."

I want to ask him how well he can see me because the barista mentioned his partial blindness, but I didn't want to seem rude either. Instead, I looked back at our assignment. "We're almost done with this."

"I can see you." Julian said, as if he read my thoughts. "Well, sort of." He took off his glasses to reveal his grey eyes. "These glasses are new to help me see through the fog."

"Oh." I gasped quietly. "I didn't realize the shades are prescribed." Now I definitely feel like an idiot for the way I felt when I first met him. "I thought you wore them indoors just to look cool."

"Why?" He asked, putting them back on. "Do I?"

I laughed, appreciating how less tense he seems now. "Eh, you look like a dork." I joked.

Julian scoffed, shaking his head. "That's just your lack of style talking. I wouldn't be asking for fashion advice from someone wearing a Mickey Mouse sweater."

Uh, he did not. "What's wrong with Mickey?!"

Instead of answering, he continued shaking his head in contempt. Before I could push him to elaborate, Mrs Culver addressed the class once more.

Julian chuckled at my astonished look before turning to the front of class, hushing me to pay attention.

I made a mental note to continue this conversation. I don't know why, but I think I'm starting to like him?




So far, my first day of school is going well. Sebastian was right, the people here are actually nice and super helpful. But what's next on the schedule is the one I've been dreading the most: Lunch time.

Back in my old school, I would sit with my best friends in the quad and sometimes share lunch. But now? I barely know anybody here. Fumbling with my backpack, I tried to power walk across the field where everyone was hanging out and eating. I looked side to side, in hopes of seeing a spot on one of the benches for me to sit on.

No luck.

Maybe I should just grab a chicken burger and eat it while I walk around the track and field area, so I won't have to sit down looking like a loner. Sighing, I found the shortest line and waited, pulling out my phone so I can text Cynthia on how my day is going.

"Hey, new girl!"

I looked up to see Sebastian. I grinned, suddenly feeling a rush of excitement. Calm down, Raven! "Hey, Sebastian. How are you?"

"Darling, if we're going to be friends, you better start calling me Seb." He winked, teasingly.

Not going to lie, I was a little thrown off with the darling part.

"Right," I nodded, asking again. "How are you?"

"Hungry." He nodded, patting his abs. "How's your first day going?"

"My classes don't seem that bad, so I say it's going well so far." Honestly so happy to be talking to someone on my lunch break, especially now that it's Seb.

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