Start from the beginning

At least this was her last year though, then she can be free and work a nice steady job. Earn her own money so she can buy her own apartment with no roommate. She wouldn't have to clean up after anyone but herself. That's what gave her motivation to work harder rather than actually achieve her real goal.

She chewed at her pen in the library, it's another habit she wished to break.

"Of course, I'd find you here."

She looked up and smiled when she saw Zoro, "What's up?"

"You left early the other day at the food truck festival. I didn't get to say goodbye." He sat next to her.

"Oh, right..." She paused, "I was falling into a food coma like I always do. I decided to go home, I didn't want to bother you and your friends anyway."

"You wouldn't be a bother at all though."

Those kinds of sentences, it was so hard for her to wonder if he meant that romantically or platonically. It confused her and made her overthink more. When she's with him, she often acts differently. In a good way though, she smiles a lot more and laughs too. She doesn't feel hurt or alone talking to him, she feels safe a loved.

She wanted to express those feelings toward him. Shout out and announce how happy she is whenever they talk. Whether it's in a big group at an event, or small talk like this when they come across each other in the hallways or library. She doesn't have to worry about holding back on eating when she's with him, he's never judged her.

In fact, he's one of the few people who encourage her to eat more.

As a woman, whenever she eats more than the normal amount. People see her as overweight or having no self-discipline. That she can't control herself and always pigs out. Since she was a girl she was expected to stay petite and skinny for her whole life. However, Zoro liked that she ate a lot. He liked he can share his favorite foods with her. That she always had so much energy.

Luffy had never met anyone like him before, she doesn't just say that because it's cliche. But it's the truth, he's of the rare ones that genuinely show real care for her.

She blushed, "Zoro..."

"Hm? What is it?"

This was a perfect moment, the right moment. Everything felt like it was in the correct place. Her heart was beating like she had sprinted a thousand miles. Her stomach churning, feeling slightly nauseous. Her head danced as it was unbalanced and wild. She's been in one relationship before, she's had crushes in the past.

But nothing compared to this, she swore every time he said her name a million butterflies flew around inside. Everything about him was everything she ever wanted in a boyfriend. She wanted him to be hers, she needed him to be hers. She felt at home and peace by listening to the sound of his voice.

"I-I need to tell you something..." She paused, her mouth already feeling dry.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No! Not at all... it's just..." Her face grew hot, "I think I—"


His cell phone buzzed, "Hello?"

Her face was hot pink both from embarrassment and adrenaline. She had finally gathered the courage, but she had to be interrupted by a phone!

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