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"You've finally washed the dishes. Took you long enough." She sighed as she cleared the kitchen island.

"See? I can be responsible." He smiled.

She came over to the living room, "Well, I guess you can be some time—"

His sweaty gym socks were scattered on the floor, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Oh, whoops."

"Whoops? You still never clean up your own mess." She argued.

"Let me just finish this movie, then I will."

"Whatever, I'll just do it."

Luffy began collecting the socks on the floor. Honestly, she knew boys were gross and disgusting to live with. Considering how dirty Ace and Sabo's rooms would be when they were kids. Vid Law was something else, he was like them but dirtier and less mature.

"If you're going to help out around here, you can't by doing just one task. Taking care of a place takes time and effort."

"Ugh," He groaned, "That's so much work."

She tossed the socks in the laundry basket tucked underneath her arm, "That's called being mature and being independent."

"You're boring me." He complained.

She bent underneath the couch, trying to grab the ones from the back. How do these things even get all the way back here? Boys were so messy and disgusting it was unimaginable. However, she heard Law go quiet.

"I'm just saying to put in some effort," She came out from under the couch, "Help out a little that would be..."


"Were you staring at my ass?" She asked.

He just stared at her.

"Oh my god! You dirty pervert!" She grabbed the socks from the basket and started throwing them at him.

"Calm down! Geez!" He smacked them away.

"You're a disgusting pig! How dare you look at me in such a repulsive way!"

"I wasn't doing anything!"

"Yes, you were! I know it! You were gaping at my butt the whole time—"

"Yeah, because it's so flat!"

There came that silence again, she had stopped hurling socks at him. The two just sat there both in shock. Law had thought he had saved himself by calling her butt flat, but it only made her more enraged.

She began launching his socks at him again, "How dare you comment on women's bodies! You have no right to be talking about my appearance! Look at yourself!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I hate you! Dirty bastard!"


She felt like crap and she looked like crap. Lately, she hasn't been getting any sleep. College work was making her sleep schedule go crazy. She barely has the strength or motivation to look nice when she goes out. Currently, she puts on any clean sweater she can find and pajama pants with slides to lectures. In the library, all she does is read and write.

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