Our Sunday routine

Start from the beginning

After half an hour akaash came out looking fresh and viren passed him his apron and a knife and both started chopping vegetables while vihu looked at them with utmost focus he wanted to learn because his papa's birthday was coming soon and he wants to surprise him with his favourite dish.

After 45 minutes, lunch was ready so vihu and akku left to make the table while viren made some juice and served lunch.

They had their lunch viren looked at the time it was 3pm so he decided to go for grocery shopping.

They left in viren's car and he let them choose the music. And according to viren akku had a terrible taste in music.

He chose a further supermarket in Sundays so he can spend some quality time with his babies.

They reached the super market and brought vegetables, meat, bread etc.. with cleaning products and some personal stuff for the boys.

Akaash wanted to share the bill with his papa but viren glared him and akaash insisted they almost caused a scene and akaash's face dropped and he felt sad that his papa wasn't letting him pay. Seeing his face viren let him pay which immediately brightened his mood.

Viren was so proud of akaash but sometimes he feels that he is growing too fast and he wasn't ready for that at all.

Back to the car , viren saw how happy akaash was knowing he shared the load with his papa. He was smiling and he even agreed for letting vihu sit in the front seat.

They were back home in an hour and the boys were exhausted and so was viren but they needed to store the grocery. He told the boys to wash their hands and help him, they whined but agreed and helped him.

By the time they were done, it was 6 pm so the nap was cancelled.

"Papa can I sleep for sometime pleaase?" Asked akaash leaning on his shoulder.
"No baby, if you sleep now you won't be able to sleep at night, I'll make dinner now go watch tv with vihu" viren said caressing his head.

Akaash hugged him before going to the living room and watching tv. After few minutes he could hardly keep his eyes open so he went to the kitchen where viren was making dinner he decided to make a cup of coffee for himself and his papa.

He made it and while the lasagna viren was making was in the oven, he handed him his coffee they sat there sipping their coffee while chatting, viren called vihu and gave him a sliced apple.

They had dinner at 8 pm and sat in the living room watching friends.

At 9 viren called the boys to brush and get ready for bed and they did.

Akaash retired to his room after giving viren a good night hug and kiss , diya was out of town so he wanted to speak with her before sleeping and he preferred privacy.

"Akku I want you asleep when I check " yelled viren and akaash ran to his room.

Viren smiled and hugged vihu "so baby want to sleep with papa or alone " he got a tight hug as an answer.

Once they were in the bed, viren started patting vihu's chest whose eyes were dropping and he finally fell asleep.

Viren pecked his forehead and laid down scrolling through his phone when he heard a knock, he looked up and it was akaash he smiled and made room for him and akaash just laid there while viren patted his head until he fell asleep, he pecked his forehead.

This was their weekly routine they have an organised list of duties to complete each weekend so they can relax for the rest of the week and focus, sometimes when they have a hectic week ahead they freeze meals but they don't like that, viren makes sure to cook whenever he can, he wants his kids to eat fresh homemade food.

Sometimes they go out with their friends but it wasn't a weekly thing, because viren's friends had responsibilities too and akaash's were too wild for his and viren's liking so whenever they are free they catch up with their friends.

They always try to do activities that include vihu as well since the boy was too introvert and shy to interact with strangers, they always encouraged him to know more people and talk with them but he's still working on it.

In days like these, were he is home and asleep wrapped by his sleeping babies, both of them are well fed and healthy, he can't feel anything but grateful for everything.

Since his wife passed away, life hadn't been the best but in moments like these, he could feel her smiling somewhere looking at them and sending them kisses and blessings, lots and lots of them.

This is a small update I thought to write, because I want you to have an idea about how the household is, how they get things done and how they bond together. You can consider this as a detailed introduction :)

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