Chapter 5

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Y/n walked along the empty street as he listened to the cars drive by, the sounds of the airplanes flying above his head, and the other students walking around him. 

Y/n sat behind Shoya on the window side of the classroom. He was always looking out it. He hated group projects, so the fact that this one was over was great, cause he didn't have to talk to anyone till the next project. Yua walked up to him, she was collecting the classes projects. "U-Um...Y/n... I need you to turn in your project." He looked up at her. "Oh yeah, sure." He lowered his head and scrummaged through his backpack before pulling out a stack of clear white papers. "I forgot to staple them together." She smiled. "Oh, no problem!" She turned her head to the boy sitting in front of her. "Hey, Ishida-kun. I need you to in your project." Shoya looked at her. "Oh, I-I uh... forgot it." Yua frowned. "Well, you need to bring it in tomorrow, ok?" She walked forward. Y/n looked around the classroom, listening carefully to the conversations of his fellow classmates. "....I wonder why he's always alone.... creepy loner....he gives me the creeps....oh is he looking at us....I wonder what his deal is, anyways.... sometimes he's kind of annoying...." Y/n sighed and covered his head. The teacher walked in, and Yua handed him the stack of papers. "Here you go, sensei." He nodded and grabbed them, laying them flat on his desk. "Y/n, no sleeping in my class!" Y/n looked up. "Jeez, I wasn't even sleeping..." Everyone looked at him. "What a weirdo...sometimes he can be so time he said.....did you hear about when he...." He looked at all of them.

Shoya also looked, but he was a lot less subtle, and he only commented about people and put fake words in their mouths. Unlike Y/n, who was constantly gossiped and talked about behind his back. Sure people thought Shoya was kind of weird, but Y/n especially. Mostly because he wasn't subtle at all when he looked and listened in, and secondly because he liked to draw, sometime he would draw people around him, which everyone thought was really creepy. Then there was Shoya. Shoya didn't know what to think about Y/n, but he did know what to think about others. He looked at everyone in class and around the hallways. SHUT UP!! Shoya thoght. I'm the one who hates you!! I'm not here to make nice with you idiots! First off, there's you! Shoya looked at a guy with brown hair. You looked awful with brown hair! And you people stop talking about romance when it doesn't suit you. It creeps me out. And I've had enough of you acting like you're so hot. That goes for you too. It's not funny. Oddball characters. Subculture geeks. Acting like you're so busy. Acting like you're so unhealthy. Pretending you're a person of integrity. I hate all of you. I hate all the stuff you like. And I hate all your friends too. I hate them. I hate you. And for thinking like that, I hate myself most of all. 

In Shoya's second year of middle school, he went to Nagoya alone for the first time to buy the limited edition of an Kazuki and Keisuke's favorite album. They said they wanted it badly, but when Shoya offered to listen to it with them, they stopped listening to them. And so did Shoya. "You buy the limited edition yet?" Kazuki looked at Keisuke. "Not yet. But I want it bad." The two stopped in the hallway. Shoya walked up to them. "I-I... bought the limited edition." Kazuki avoided looking at Shoya's face. "You did, huh? Ugh...then I'm gonna quit listenin to them." Keisuke agreed. Shoya also stopped listening to them. 

In Y/n's second year of middle school, he realized that he would never get to experience any sort of friendship or relationship. He literally talked to no one that year. Now, he saw the things he would never attain. People hung out and laughed together, sharing long and great conversations. He would never have that, he could barely start a conversation, let along keep one going. He saw people hugging each other, and enjoying presence of their significant other. He would never be in a relationship, ever. In fact, his future was pretty clear. A fat old man, lonely and full of debt. Struggling to make a living, being ignored by society. Y/n would never fit in. How could someone who cries themselves to sleep every night possibly have a good life? If life didn't hold anything for him, then why continue to live it? 

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A/n's note: This was a REALLY short chapter btw. Next one will definitely be longer, I promise. 

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